hi, guys! how y’all doin?
so 2015 has been a very miserable year for me so far.
gatau ya, gw merasa sepanjang 2015 hidup gw miserable banget~ dikit2 galau~
di awal taun udah galau kerjaan, resign or not resign. terus abis ulang taun menuju pertengahan taun, galau status, sorta suffering from acute loneliness. second half of the year galau keuangan, sekarang lagi galau masa depan~
ini kayaknya dampak quarter life crisis gw yang telat deh. harusnya quarter life crisis gw taun lalu, tapi taun lalu tepat sebulan setelah ulang taun langsung ketemu 2NE1, jadi crisis-nya langsung terlupakan and that moment pretty much slayed my 2014, jadi sampai akhir taun pun gw hepi2 aja~
so yeah, akhirnya dampak itu baru gw rasain sekarang, and it really really sucks~ mau ngapa2in berasa salah gitu, like every decision i make is always wrong and i have no idea how to set it right~ i keep escaping every problem, even though i know it’ll become worse someday~
di tengah segala misery yang gw alami itu, i decided to take action. ga bisa nih, terus2an kayak gini~ akhirnya gw memutuskan untuk melihat kembali resolusi 2015 yang pernah gw bikin~
thank God gw pernah upload di blog, karena kertas aslinya udah gw sobek n buang saking madesunya hidup gw~ T.T
there you go~
gw scan list di atas dan masya Allah kok madesu semua ya?
learn new language? yeah right~ english aja masih belepotan, mau belajar bahasa lain~
read books? duh~ speak to your hand-lah, Ta! YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO READ BOOK! Let alone plural~
travel minimum 2 places? pfft~ how funny~ it’s almost october and the farthest you’ve ever traveled this year is to ICE-BSD~ what a loser~
like none of these things actually make sense gitu kalo dipikir2~ how come i was so unrealistic??! geez~
but then, ada satu yang masih punya harapan untuk diwujudkan.
"buy a macbook"
it’s very risky though, considering i don’t have much money and there will be a lot of expenses in the following months.
but i really do need it. my old laptop is beyond helpless, and i got this feeling if i buy it, it will sorta cure my “galau masa depan” just by thinking about awesome things i can do with it in the future.
but still… it’s too pricey~~ i’ll be in a long-term broke-ness if i decided to buy it~
but then i remembered what putri told me regarding this when i asked her for suggestion :
“kalo lo mikirnya bokek terus, ga bakalan kebeli selama-lamanya. lo jangan ngeliat dari berapa banyak uang yang lo keluarin buat dapetin ini. mending lo anggap ini sebagai reward buat diri lo sendiri. you’ve worked hard. you deserve nothing but the best.”
akhir agustus kemarin gw, ditemani bokap dan cuprit, pergi ke iBox - Grand Galaxy Mall, Bekasi. mantap buat beli laptop. sempet in torn antara Air atau Pro, karena dengan beda harga cuma beberapa ratus ribu, Pro punya specs lebih menjanjikan~
but there’s something about Air that got me. it was like, it chose me~
you know in harry potter they said the wand chooses the wizard, right?
it sorta happened like that~
waktu gw pegang Air, langsung kayak ada chemistry gitu~ tangan gw langsung nempel ga mau dilepas, jantung gw degdegan, terus ada angin berhembus mistis~ *apa sih
LOL~ but seriously~
that moment on i know it is the one.
WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gosh she’s so beautiful!
and very cool too!
it feels sooo good to finally have it!!!
putri was right, this is a reward for myself. i deserve this. :”)
everytime i look at her (suddenly becomes female, rite???), gw bawaannya pengen langsung speech a la Seungri waktu Strong Baby menang music show beberapa taun lalu.
“I wanna thank myself *sob* *sob* for working so hard for the past three years *sob* *sob* without getting sick, without giving up…”
so uhm… as you all know it’s been a habit for me to name my gadgets. dan seperti orangtua yang memberi nama anaknya, tentunya gw pengen nama gadget gw spesial, dalam artian punya arti yang bagus, jadi ga sekedar nama doang.
icydk, i named my SAMSUNG S4 Mini: Sandara. kalo lo pernah liat hape gw, di case-nya gw bedazzled bling-bling huruf S, that stands for Sandara, bukan Seeta. kenapa Sandara? well, becoz she’s very pretty! like literally so so so pretty, kalo gw namain bukan Sandara kayaknya ada yang salah aja gitu. gw inget pas beli Sandara sekitar 2 taun lalu, gw in torn antara iPhone 5 atau SAMSUNG S4 Mini. dari segi specs iPhone jelas menang, tapi specs-nya S4 pun ga jauh beda sebenernya. akhirnya di usaha seleksi terakhir, gw ngebandingin dari segi visual dan damn S4 slayed. jauh lebih cantik kemana2 deh. so yeah, since SAMSUNG dari Korea dan gw Blackjack, it only made sense to name her Sandara.
and then i have Eve, my iPad mini. gw namain Eve bukan karena barangnya gw beli malem2. Eve di sini adalah tokoh Eve dalam film Wall-E (2008). you know her, rite? that super hi-tech robot whose directive is to locate vegetation on Earth and verify habitability, and soon to be Wall-E’s girlfriend. well, the first time i saw this iPad, it reminded me of her. her glossy black body, so slick and lookin fierce and super stylish. so that’s it, i named it after her.
so how about this Air? what should i name her?
you know, i really like the name Jess. not Jessica. just Jess. i twitted about it couple months ago:
Jess/Jesse/Jessie is a very cool name. But if you put 'ica' at the end, it becomes SO LAME.
— Mayseeta (@seeta_lescha) April 22, 2015
i’m almost convinced to name her Jess. remember when i shared to you the story about Miss J? that smart and vocal Blackjack from the US? well, Miss J’s real name is Jess. and if you remember, i told you guys that i looked up this very person a lot becoz she’s so smart, critical, realistic, honest, up to date, etc..
lemme quote some of my opinion about her from last year’s post:
“... opininya dia selalu bagus2, selalu keep up with the trend, ngerti musik, ngerti fashion, ngerti internet, ngerti social media, ngerti 2NE1, not to mention dia orang US, New York lebih tepatnya, jadi bisa berbahasa Inggris. So many people could relate with her tweets. Selain 2NE1 related, Miss J ini juga ngerti how entertainment industry goes. Dia punya nalar yang bagus akan sesuatu, jadi dia bisa predict kesuksesan sebuah project entertainment. Dia juga lucu. Selera humornya khas cewek Amrik banget, jadi kadang2 bisa dodol banget omongannya. Apalagi kalo udah ngomongin kedodolan 2NE1, udah deh, golden banget Miss J ini.”
this may sound pathetic but Miss J is actually everything i wish myself to be.
there i said it.
i envy her at the same time i respect her and i wish i were her.
so yeah becoz of my mad "love" to Miss J, i decided to name my Air, Jess. in the hope that she will be as smart as her, and she’ll help me to be awesome like Miss J.
and uhm… one more story to share, when i was little, i had a friend named Jessica. we were bestfriend and i did look up to her a lot too back then becoz she was smart, good at sport, head of the class, every teacher liked her, well basically like the Koreans said, she was 엄친딸 (eom-chin-ddal), which means “my mom’s friend’s daughter.” or a person who is more successful or skilled than you – that kind of person your mother would compare you to in a negative light.
our friendship was short, but the time we spent together is definitely one of the best moment in my childhood.
so i wish this Jess will be my bestfriend too. we will travel together a lot in the future, creating memory or even history, she'll give me a company when i’m lonely, help me with my boredom, and hopefully, she will not leave me until the time has come for it.
so, welcome to the family dear Jess, together you and i will do awesome things, so be nice to me, okay??? IRLY <3>
oh, one more thing: postingan ini juga sekaligus menjawab kenapa font/layout beberapa postingan terakhir berantakan. well, i’ve been using Jess to blog lately, dan gw belom beli Office 365 for Mac coz i’m broke af~ jadi gw ngetik pake Pages and the damn thing ga bisa autocaps and the text always turns weird when i copy-paste to Blogger~ X(
sabar aja ya, guys. mudah2an bulan oktober gw udah punya pemasukan tambahan buat beli Office~ LOL~
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jess chillin with cuprit |
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