Sunday, November 15, 2015


hi, guys! how y'all doin??

so the biebs is back!!!!!!!!!

with a full album!!!!!!!!!

ga usah tanya reaksi gw gimana, kira2 11-12 sama .gif dan .jpeg ini.

well, what can i say, i am a belieber. in fact i have been a belieber since 2008, so it’s been almost 6 years, lebih lama dari per-blackjack-an~ damn~

sejarah perkenalan gw dengan bieber pernah dibahas di postingan purbakala ini (don’t mind my bahasa alay, maklum masa muda~ wkwk). dan setelahnya gw juga lumayan sering menyisipkan bieber slightly di beberapa postingan, seperti ini, ini dan ini

to sum up -in case you don’t have time to read all of those posts- i like bieber mainly becoz of his music, you know the same reason why i like beyonce, britney, 2ne1, gaga, etc.. it is always becoz of the music.

gw ga peduli ya bieber sekarang bentuknya kayak gimana. dia mau DUI on daily basis kek, pergi ke pijet plus2 tiap malem kek, melihara terus nelantarin monyet satu kebon binatang kek, atau apapun yang pernah di-shade di #BIEBERROAST (that show was awesome by the way and i’m so proud of him for doing that!), gw ga peduli.

as long as he puts up good music, i’m totally fine.

this is something y’all should learn from me, you know? to appreciate shit. jangan cuma karena image jelek langsung lo tinggalin tu artis~

anyway, yang bikin gw heran adalah masih banyak yang ga tau kalo gw belieber. padahal kayaknya gw cukup open ya soal ke-bieber-an gw ini, kayak di social media, blog atau daily basis gitu gw lumayan sering nyebut2 bieber. ga lowkey juga, cukup terang-terangan malah.

makanya gw heran kalo masih aja ada yang ga tau, or even worse, jelek-jelekin bieber di depan gw like that somehow won’t affect me~ well it indeed doesn’t affect me, but it will affect YOU coz i’m gonna hate you that fosho~

anywaaayy~~ so the biebs (that’s how i’m gonna call him in this post, deal with that okaayy~~) just released an album yesterday!!!!!

it is called PURPOSE and it consists of….. beda2, kalo yang CD standar 13 tracks, yang iTunes pre order 14 tracks, yang deluxe 18 tracks, Japanese special 23 tracks (daaaammnn~~), macem2lah pokoknya~

sejauh ini gw baru dengerin yang biasa, yang 13 video klipnya baru di-upload di Vevo tadi pagi, which means gw dengerin yang gratisan. hahahaha~~

you can call me a cheap-ass, whatever, i don’t care, but i will buy the album that’s for sure. i’m gonna buy the physical copy when it’s released in here even though God knows when, coz you know, I APPRECIATE SHIT!

icydk, i still love collecting CDs. buy me a music CD for my birthday i would be very happy. buat gw ada suatu feel dalam kepemilikan CD fisik yang ga bisa tergantikan dengan lo membeli versi digital. fangirl/fanboy music sejati pasti mengerti hal ini. 

it's just not the same, you know~ you don't have the amazing feeling that you feel when you are holding a physical copy. there is value in actually holding the album in your hand, seeing the album art and exclusive photographs, reading the original copies of the lyrics, etc.. in my case, i love reading the artist’s thank you notes, it always touches me and makes me appreciate their hard work and everyone involved. 

one day, if you have a chance to meet the artist, i think they’d be happier to hear you say “i bought your CD” rather than “i downloaded your album”~ and if you’re lucky, they’ll sign your CD! this won’t happen if you only have digital copies~

anyway, where was i? oh! the biebs! lol~~

okay for the 1st time ever i’m gonna review the biebs’ album here in this blog! *applause* *applause*

PURPOSE adalah album ke-4 biebs. terakhir dia rilis album itu taun 2012, BELIEVE (which was awesome, i have the CD!). so it’s been almost 4 years since BELIEVE. biebs has gone through a lot (again, summarized thoroughly and “beautifully” in #BIEBERROAST, you should really watch that!).

taun 2013 biebs rilis album sih, JOURNALS. tapi gw menolak untuk dengerin, entah ya~ gw ga suka aja konsepnya, album kompilasi~ like duh ngapain sih lo rilis album kompilasi? kayak ga tau album ini arahnya kemana gitu~

scooter braun juga nih! udah tau taun 2013 itu biebs lagi fragile2-nya, abis putus dari selena, kena kasus banyak banget, eh masih disuruh rilis album~

ngerti sih fungsinya buat benerin image, tapi kan percuma kalo musically albumnya ga ber-impact~ mengutip wikipedia, the album did not fare well commercially, thus it did not chart on the Billboard 200 due to its first week sales going unreported. menyedihkan. makanya gw menolak dengerin JOURNALS, empati sama justin. 

sebelum PURPOSE dirilis, biebs udah rilis 4 singel: Where Are Ü Now (WRÜN), What Do You Mean (WDYM), Sorry dan I’ll Show You. ke-4 nya dimasukin ke album, termasuk WRÜN despite being Jack Ü’s. well, details below! let’s review!

fyi, i’m only reviewing the music, not the music video, coz it’s not an actual m/v, just a video to support a project called #PurposeTheMovement, another brilliant promotion strategy from scooter braun, will talk about it in another post. 

gw pake score bintang skala 5, which means yang dapet 5 bintang berarti bagus banget.

and i pay the least attention to the lyrics, jadi bakal jarang gw bahas juga. for me lirik sih mau se-crap apapun gw ga peduli asal musiknya bagus. 


at first listen, i don’t think it can be considered as a song. menurut gw mark my words lebih kayak intro untuk album ini. music wise, it’s almost like a ballad. that “no-no-no” vocal sample agak annoying di awal-awal, but when biebs started singing, kita akan dibawa untuk lebih fokus sama suaranya. 

vocal wise, i know biebs doesn’t have a wide vocal range, neither a power, so it’s very risky for him to try out ballad. fortunately, this song doesn’t require both of that. it’s the richness of the music that complements his subtle vocal and falsetto. 

Seeta's Score: ☆☆☆☆


gw menyebut genre lagu ini: R&B kekinian. the beat and flow are definitely R&B. tapi kemudian diberi sentuhan EDM dengan synthesizer dan bass, yang gw curiga lagi itu vocal sample-nya biebs lain yang dikutak-katik sama om Skrillex, dan surprisingly menghasilkan atmosfer yang lebih emosional untuk lagunya. how did he do that? i don’t even know. 

personally i don’t really like this song, padahal fakta bahwa lagu ini buatan Skrillex dan bernuansa R&B harusnya membuat gw easily jatuh cinta. but no, i don’t. maybe becoz after Where Are Ü Now, What Do You Mean and Sorry were released back to back, I'll Show You sounds generic~ idk~ agak bosen aja.

Seeta's Score: ☆☆☆


There’s a reason why this single became Justin’s first ever #1 single on Billboard Hot 100, and that is becoz….. it’s freakin awesome! lol~~ naah~~ it’s becoz it’s VERY POP! so pop semua orang (ga peduli belieber atau bukan) pada beli lagu ini. makanya bisa #1 di Billboard 100.

anyway, lagu ini juga mencetak standar baru untuk musik pop yang easy listening. such a brilliant, brilliant production! jadi pemirsa, sekarang kalo mau buat lagu yang enteng pun harus KREATIF! jangan asal easy listening tapi ga ada artistry sama sekali

kayak biebs dong, ada ticking clock-nya sepanjang lagu, ada nuansa chillout juga, dicampur sama melodi flute mistis kayak di negeri dongeng, liriknya pun lucu tentang cewek dengan kepribadian ganda. so, masih berani bertanya-tanya kenapa lagu ini #1 di Billboard 100?

Seeta's Score: ☆☆☆☆


di level pop, lagu ini posisinya tepat di bawah What Do You Mean. it’s also a pop perfection, walaupun eksekusinya ga se-complicated WDYM. Sorry has this dancehall (reggae) and tropical house feel so it’s already in its nature that this song is meant for dancing. 

well if you don’t feel like dancing, i recommend y’all to listen to the acoustic version:

Seeta's Score: ☆☆☆☆

LOVE YOURSELF (feat Ed. Sheeran)


just when i thought biebs will kill me with R&B/pop/electro music in this album, the one that actually does the job is this track right here!!! an acoustic!!!!

dan yang lebih mengejutkannya lagi, lagu ini buat ed sheeran, salah satu artis yang musiknya paling ga gw suka~ wth~

lagu ini… ga tau ya magic-nya dimana~ it feels good that’s fosho, it’s mellow, calming and uplifiting. that super chill and subtle string play really gives Justin’s voice a chance to shine. 

and even though it’s made by ed sheeran, rather than sounded ed sheeran-ish, the outcome is more like biebs covering ed sheeran’s song. i can really feel the presence of biebs in this song. 

i think what really makes it my absolute favorite is becoz it has this certain throwback feels to justin’s early days as a youtuber, before the fame and everything, just him, his guitar and his mom’s video recorder. i’m sure my fellow beliebers feel this too, no?

so, since i’ve been so in love with the music, it’s only natural if i search for the lyrics. lyrics wise, lagu ini mengingatkan lagu gw akan lagu2 2NE1 yang liriknya bertentangan sama musiknya sehingga menyebabkan misunderstanding. like UGLY, musiknya rock ternyata lagunya tentang cewek insecure, atau HAPPY, musiknya happy tapi lagunya tentang putus cinta dan nyindir cowok. 

nah LOVE YOURSELF juga gitu sist! :D

lyrics wise, lagu ini harusnya judulnya GO FUCK YOURSELF. hahahaha~~ bisa cekidot full lyrics di sini

Seeta's Score: ☆☆☆☆


the R&B feel is stronger on this one -judging from the deep bass- walaupun dicampur2 dengan segala jenis EDM. bukan EDM yang berisik ala club banger, more like funky and groovy electro. agak bernuansa 80s dikit karena permainan perkusi dan synthesizer-nya. 

so yeah, seperti halnya I’LL SHOW YOU, lagu ini juga gw kategorikan sebagai R&B kekinian. 

Seeta's Score: ☆☆☆☆

NO PRESSURE (feat. Big Sean)


waktu dengerin PURPOSE, gw udah menunggu-nunggu mana nih lagu yang bener2 R&B, well secara gw R&B sucker ya, and in case you have forgotten, biebs diciptakan oleh Usher, salah satu penyanyi R&B terbaik abad ini, jadi yaa ga mungkin ga ada lagu yang bener2 R&B di albumnya~

you know, gw seneng biebs masukin lagu yang bener2 R&B di album ini, but as a big fan of R&B, i gotta say this song is not that impressive~ idk, kayak ada yang lacklustre aja. maybe ga ada bagian yang bener2 spesial sepanjang lagu, no hook what-so-ever, walaupun gw menghargai biebs 80% nyanyi pake falsetto di sini. 

oh ya kalo boleh milih sih, gw prefer lagu ini ga usah ada Big Sean-nya. idk, walaupun lirik rap-nya cukup cerdas dan banyak referensi pop culture (males jelasin, lo bisa google sendiri kan?), somehow it feels unnecessary.

Seeta's Score: ☆☆☆

NO SENSE (feat. Travis Scott)

style nyanyi-nya biebs di lagu ini beda deh sama lagu2 lain, maybe that’s why i’m not sure what genre it is~ lol

well it’s definitely a fuse between R&B and hiphop, tapi kurang rapi (?) dan agak ngebosenin aja~ It’s not a bad song, just very repetitive and feels a bit more of the same. 

part-nya travis scott di sini lebih ber-impact daripada part-nya big sean di NO PRESSURE sih. karena feel hip hop di lagu ini kuat banget kali ya?

Seeta's Score: ☆☆☆

THE FEELING (feat. Halsey)

pertama kali denger, reaksi gw adalah: what. a. production!

the production quality of this song is simply awesome.

just like the title, the music gives you mixed feelings. it has a bright side that is enchanting and relaxing, but it also has a dark side that is mystical and hypnotising. dan suaranya biebs sama halsey dapet banget chemistry-nya. a very perfect duet!

i have a feeling someday lagu ini akan jadi soundtrack iklan/film. and i can already picture anak2 hipster jakarta selatan dengerin lagu ini on daily basis. wkwk~

well this one is definitely a banger and one of the best from the album!

oh ya, icydk, halsey ini bisa dibilang rising star di hollywood, dulunya penyanyi youtube, baru rilis album taun kemarin, dan disebut2 sebagai alanis morisette 2.0. let’s anticipate her next work!

Seeta's Score: ☆☆☆☆


so we have found pure R&B, pure pop and pure acoustic in the album, now it’s time for pure ballad which is represented by this song. the sentimental piano-play is here, and so is biebs’ stripped-back vocal. 

lyrics wise lagu ini isinya tentang biebs tobat. i think di situ juga nilai jual lagu ini. 

unfortunately, ballad is not my cup of tea, so i don’t feel like listening to this more than twice. biarlah lagu ini jadi B-side track yang cukup unyu di album. 

Seeta's Score: ☆☆☆☆


gw ga ngerti lagi. kalo lagu ini ga menang SONG OF THE YEAR di grammy taun depan, gw ga ngerti lagi.

walaupun most likely ga menang (you know orang2 grammy itu suka sok suci dengan lebih mempertimbangkan kemampuan vocal or social impact dari sebuah penyanyi/lagu, dibanding artistry dan relevancy), but no one can deny that this song is THE MOST RELEVANT SONG THIS YEAR. and what even more amazing is that it still sounds as fresh and awesome as 8 months ago when it was first released. 

elo, hari gini, ga tau Where Are Ü Now? ga kekinian! ke laut aja sana bareng wandaireksyen.

Seeta's Score: ☆☆☆☆


okay now we have full EDM rite now~~ another Skrillex The Great-produced track.

what interesting is that it started quite mellow, but turned into a club banger at the chorus. tapi Skrillex bilang lagu ini bukan buat joget-joget, karena message dalam liriknya yang mau ditonjolkan. jadi, jangan dipake buat ajeb-ajeb ya, adik-adik belieber yang manis. :3

Seeta's Score: ☆☆☆☆


akhirnya tibalah kita di lagu yang menjadi nyawa album ini. PURPOSE is another ballad, another sentimental piano-play, and another atonement song a.k.a lagu tobat for the biebs. maybe lagu ini kelanjutannya LIFE IS WORTH LIVING. jadi kalo disimpulkan overall message di album ini adalah: you have to have a purpose in life, so it will be worth living. *halah*

i personally like the depth of the song, it speaks right to my heart and becomes a perfect ending for the album. 

Seeta's Score: ☆☆☆☆


And that is PURPOSE! 

Well, edisi standar 13 lagu sih. :p 

so yeah, even tho i’m unwillingly agree with some people who said that rather than it’s an album that biebs CAN make, it’s an album that biebs SHOULD make, you know, following the ups and downs he had gone through these past few years..

but overall it’s a solid and well-executed album which shows Justin Bieber’s growth as an artist. with this album i think he knows what he is doing, he knows the direction where his music will go, he has changed, more mature in any way, more honest and genuine, which is why most of the lyrics are very personal~ and i appreciate that more than the album itself.

so thank you justin for this music, 

thank you universe for Skrillex existence and for setting him and the biebs to hang out and somehow talk about music and end up in recording studio producing great tracks, 

thank you Skrillex, Diplo, and all producers for introducing new sounds to the biebs and making the album very very rich, 

thank you scooter braun (can i have a word with you about CL’s album by the way, Sir?) and the team for creative and breakthrough promotion strategy, makes the biebs relevant again in no time,

and thank you for reading this blog. :))

i am signing out. salam belieber! :*

ps: aah it feels so good not to talk about life for a while :))

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