Hi, guys! How
y’all doin?
This is probably
the last post of 2015~ This is not a Me Wassup actually, more like postingan
penutup 2015~
Time goes by so fast, eh? Kayaknya baru kemaren gw bikin postingan last day of 2014 yang isinya ngomongin resolusi 2015~
Speaking of resolusi, barusan gw baca ulang resolusi 2015, and I’m proud to say that I have achieved 5 out of 12!
Fuck yeah!
I’m so proud of myself~
Walaupun gw menghabiskan setengah tahun pertama 2015 dengan GALAU, I’m really proud of myself coz I can finally get myself together and make some "achievements".
I’m proud of myself coz this year I’m finally able to make bold decisions, such as resigning, going back to school, etc...
And this year too, I learn to make a purpose for the first time in my life. Selama ini gw hidup tanpa tujuan, hidup dengan motto "yang penting happy". Tapi tahun ini, I actually made a real purpose, something I have to chase and make it happens.
And you know what, it feels SO GOOD to have a purpose! Seriously! Lo jadi punya visi dan misi ke depan gitu. Belajar menjalani hidup dengan lebih terencana, jadi ga cuma mengandalkan universe dan segala konspirasinya~
Anyway, I think that's all I wanna say. Point is, I really wanna thank 2015 for giving me so much things to learn, so many HA! moments, and a schweet, sweet ending. <3 p="">
PS: I updated the Padang post if you wanna read just scroll down or click here.
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