Friday, February 12, 2016

Me Wassup #38: Bey on Super Bowl dan Segala Ke-hectic-an

Hi, guys! How y’all doin?

First of all, I’m really sorry gw ga bisa menepati janji bikin postingan khusus performance Beyonce di Super Bowl 2016~ T.T

I know.. I know.. I’m so sorry.. I’m as devastated as you are, you know how badly I wanted to write it, but I just can’t~ T.T

Alasannya adalah karena gw lagi hectic. Karantina Purpose gw akan dimulai minggu depan, yes, MINGGU DEPAN, so I’ve been busy preparing for that, banyak banget yang harus dibawa~

Not to mention gw lagi crisis juga di kantor, bener2 bikin gw ga bisa gerak~


Anyway… Let me just write a little something about Bey, okay? Ga selengkap dan se-thorough review biasanya, but at least there is something.

So Bey is slaying, as usual, ini kayaknya ga usah gw tulis lagi sih, hahaha~~

Oke, as a Beyhive, kalo ada yang bisa gw simpulkan dari Super Bowl Half Time Show kemarin, itu adalah the whole idea is a complete mind-fuck!

Berbulan2 yang lalu, ketika Bey confirm tampil di SB, mediaplay-nya adalah Bey akan jadi featuring Coldplay di lagu Hymm For The Weekend.

We were like: Oh, okay, it’s acceptable. Moment of glory-nya Beyhive udah kita dapatkan 3 tahun lalu, dan belum expired sampai sekarang if you ask me, seriously!!!

Sampai sekarang gw masih nontonin performance itu on daily basis. Kayak daily doping gitu sebelum mulai kerja, semacam sarapan. Terus kalo ada yang nge-shade Beyonce, gw langsung sodorin video itu, like IN YOUR FACE! Berani2nya nge-shade Beyonce subhanahu wa ta’ala!

So yeah, jadi gapapa, taun ini biar jadi moment of glory fans-nya Coldplay. Bey cuma jadi cameo aja gapapa.

But then pas h-beberapa hari Super Bowl, BEY RILIS SINGEL!


Gila nih Jay Z~

Kayak langsung tau gitu #ANTI kurang sukses di pasaran (1,5 juta copies dibeli Samsung, seriously Rih are you THAT desperate?!), jadi langsung rilis Bey~

Ya Beyhive langsung siaga satulah Super Bowl, masa Bey baru rilis singel ga di-perform di sana? Golden opportunity lost namanya~

Eh bener ternyata, h-1 confirm Bey bakal bawain Formation!


I feel bad for Coldplay and their fans, man~

I mean, Coldplay is great and all but Beyonce is GOD! Not to mention Jay Z is like the president of music industry, he has power EVERYWHERE! Terus h-seminggu, Bruno Mars ikutan confirm perform~ Wah sinting~ Bey and Bruno are like legit and absolute two best performers on planet earth, right? Kalo udah begini, COLDPLAY MAH APAH ATUH~~~

No shade here fellas, just being real~

Anyway, and it happened.

Professional point of view:

I absolutely love the performance! Three of them are great! I like the concept (is it “throwback/flashback of awesomeness”?), I like the song selection and arrangement, I like the ambience, I like everything about it!

It was very festive (looked at those gorgeous colors!!!) and managed to match Super Bowl’s vibe.

What even more amazing is that three of them were performing 3 different genres, but the transition wasn’t awkward at all! Dari pop/rock alternative ke funk ke R&B ke dance balik lagi ke pop, very smooth!

Chemistry Bey-Chris-Bruno juga oke. Gw ga tau ya Beyhive yang lain, but I try to make sense here, and I don’t think Bey was overshadowing Bruno nor Chris. Seriously guys, the three of them DID GREAT! Sesuai kapasitas masing2lah.

I mean, ya masa lo berharap Chris Martin nge-dance juga biar bisa setara sama Bey! Ga bisa gitulah, masing2 punya kapasitas dan kemarin mereka bener2 menunjukkan the best out of them. So I think that’s enough.

Jadi orang2 yang bikin ini agak jahat sih menurut gw.

Kecuali kalo mereka melakukannya untuk jokes aja ya, coz seriously, Coldplay did great, man! And Chris Martin is like mad hot, y’know!!! Gwyneth Paltrow is such an ungrateful bitch! I MEAN LOOK AT HIM!!!!

Ah pokoknya menurut gw performance itu flawless bangetlah. There is no such thing as upstaging, outshining, overshadowing, NO AT ALL. Standing ovation to all of them.

Kalo ada yang bikin gw sedikit kecewa adalah kenyataan bahwa Lady Gaga ga diikutsertakan dalam segala festivity itu~ I mean you have Lady Gaga backstage, kenapa ga sekalian aja suruh perform Telephone sama Bey????????

Well I know it would be awkward and it may ruin the whole concept TAPI KAN TAPI KAN TAPI KAN~~~ TETEP AJAAAAHHH~~

Telephone is one of the greatest and fiercest collaboration in this century. Beyhive dan Little Monster (atau keduanya seperti gw) udah menunggu2 kesempatan itu 6 tahun lamanya sejak lagunya dirilis~ Tapi mereka ga pernah perform bareng~~~ T.T

Kalo dulu sih masih mungkin perform bareng, misalnya jadi featuring di tur gitu. Sekarang udah bener2 ga mungkin secara Bey udah masuk kubu Tidal, Gaga kubu Apple Music~ Jadi kita bener2 rely on event yang ga ada sangkut pautnya sama kubu2 itu, seperti Super Bowl~



Anyway~~ so yeah that’s about it, sorry gw ga bisa nulis banyak karena literally no time for that, gw sibuk banget bangettt~~~

Oiya sekalian mau ngasih tau kalau gw akan mengikuti karantina Purpose tanggal 15-21 Februari 2016. This means gw akan diisolasi dari peradaban. They will take my phone away so I can’t be contacted by telp/SMS and I will have no internet access, which means I will be inactive on social media/whatsapp as well, so yeah, bye.


BUT! BUT! If you really need to talk to me, you can come to:


There will be a lot of fun stuff, and you will see me! :)

See yah!

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