Saturday, September 20, 2014

My Story from YG Family 2014 Galaxy Tour: Power in Singapore - Part 2


THE CONCERT IS ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




I don’t want to miss a single fun!

2NE1 - Crush

The girls are back! Just three months away from their solo concert, All Or Nothing (AON), CL, Dara, Minzy and Park Bom are back in full force to join the YGFC. From what I heard, back in AON Singapore, Dara once gave hint to Singapore fans that they’re gonna be back with the family in a short time. So yeah, everybody has been guessing that YGFC will happen in Singapore sooner or later and voila!

Back in 2011, 2NE1 was honored to be the opening act for YGFC and right now in 2014, they are honored the same thing again. Yup, 2NE1 kicked off YGFC by crushing the stage with the mighty song CRUSH! The four gems of YG are as energetic and fierce as I remembered when I watched AON Jakarta. CL, never losing her charisma and swag, lead the group and basically the whole crowd to jam and go crazy together as Fire, Come Back Home and Gotta Be You followed in order.

Gw menggila gila-gilaan di CRUSH! Crazy~ It’s like we’re really back in AON! Those excitements and joys… I feel so alive! Mereka bias utama gw di YG, so having them as the opening for YGFC is so overwhelming. Too many feels… It’s great!

Saking great-nya gw sampe causing harm ke yang duduk di sekitar gw. Ada yang kena senggol tangan gw, ketusuk lightstick, keberisikan suara gw teriak2, etc… Alhasil setiap 10 detik sekali gw bilang ‘I’m sorry’ mulu~ Hahaha~

Oh iya, seat gw di Festival seating membuat gw bisa melihat the whole stage, jadi gw bisa menyaksikan stage act yang gw lewatkan di AON ketika gw menonton di F1. Lumayanlah. Make up for the whole thing. :)

2NE1 – Fire

Something unexpected happened during Fire stage: I was crying. Hard.

Penyebabnya adalah Park Bom.

This woman…

This strong woman… made me teared up when she sang her part on Fire.

Nae nunbicheun bitnaneun byeol deulro
Na shimjangsogeun tae u neun jeo beulbitdo
Yeongweonhajin anhkyeatji deo irheul keon eobsji
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh OH Yeah

Park Bom, recently schemed into a misleading drug scandal, causing damage to her career. She lost her job, fans and basically self esteem as people throw hate and insult her.

Tapi di sana, di konser YG Family, gw ga melihat those damages on her. She’s as fierce and awesome as she used to be. Singing her heart out as if nothing happened… With that voice… That exceptionally strong voice no one could ever match…

Park Bom you are so blessed.

Glad to see you back in the game, sweetie!            

2NE1 - Come Back Home

Cakep bener. Udah dibikin nangis sama Fire, lagu berikutnya Come Back Home, MAKIN NANGISLAH GW! Untung bukan yang versi akustik~ Bisa kejer nangis gw denger suara Park Bom~

Come Back Home’s stage was as festive and alive as I remembered, like a musical stage. So beautiful! Agak2 throwback early 2014 juga pas CRUSH dirilis mereka sering perform itu di music show. :”)

2NE1 - Gotta Be You

Di stage ini, gw udah mulai bisa mengontrol air mata. Tapi karena capek abis nangis akhirnya gw menikmati stage dengan duduk. Tetep puas sih, yang penting bisa liat the whole stage.
To be honest gw pengen stage-nya 2NE1 cepet2 selesai sih, soalnya takut makin nangis kalo terlalu lama liat mereka. Huhuhu~

Okay, next stage was… EPIK HIGH!

KYAAAAAKKK HARU APPA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

TABLO adalah salah satu orang yang pengen banget gw liat di YG Family.

Selain karena gw adalah penonton setia Superman is Back, gw udah ngefans sama ahjussi yang satu ini sejak nonton Strong Heart YG Family Special. Waktu itu Tablo baru banget gabung sama YG, belom ngeluarin single, masih featuring2 doang. Epik High pun belum semuanya gabung karena DJ Tukutz masih di army.

Physically, there’s nothing attractive about this man. At least for me he’s not. Yang bikin gw tertarik sama dia adalah kemampuannya dalam berbicara. Sangat rapi, sangat cerdas, sangat bisa meng-captivate siapapun yang mendengar. Penasaran, gw google-lah dia, sampe akhirnya tau riwayat hidupnya, background pendidikan (yang WOW banget) dan keluarganya (yang sangat complex, digambarkan di bukunya Tablo, Pieces of You), tentang Epik High, karya2nya, not to mention kasus Tajinyo yang menimpa dia, semuanya gw pelajari dan membuat gw berkesimpulan: this man is fucking genius.

Tapi, walaupun jenius, gw juga melihat gimana hidupnya struggle, mulai dari gagalnya musik Epik High dipasaran, sempet di-banned sana sini karena liriknya isinya kritik politik, kritik pemerintah, kritik budaya, dll, dan kemudian kasus Tajinyo muncul dan membuat dia basically kehilangan karirnya, diusir dari management-nya, harus mulai semua dari awal lagi, kerja serabutan jadi produser rookie artist, dosen honorer, cari duit sana sini buat bisa menghidupi istri dan anaknya, dari situ, respect gw buat Tablo muncul.

Pada akhirnya dia direkrut YG, menurut gw that’s something he deserved. Terus gw nonton wawancara dia sama CNN, makin membuat gw respect dan ngefans. Fast forward ke periode Superman is Back, gw melihat bagaimana dia membesarkan Haru, cara dia berkomunikasi sama anaknya yang masih balita, perhatian yang dia berikan ke Haru, Kang Hye Jung, dan semua orang di sekitar dia, kesimpulan kedua gw tentang Tablo adalah: he is an ideal husband, aku mau dipoligami. 

Anywaaay… So yeah, makanya gw pengen banget liat Tablo in person, on stage to be exact karena selama ini gw hanya melihat dia di variety show, interview, talk show, reality show, dll. Gw belom pernah melihat dia di atas panggung.

Epik High’s stage started right after 2NE1. No interlude, no pause, Tablo and his band mates just popped into the stage shouting E-P-I-K-E-P-I-K over and over. Ada backsound lagu anak-anak gitu pas mereka muncul, a gimmick for High Skool (Epik High’s fans) I think.

Epik High – Fly

Gw belum pernah dengerin Epik High sebelumnya, well, maksudnya dengerin yang bener2 diresapi gitu. Fly ternyata adalah lagu yang pernah dikasih liat di salah satu episode Superman is Back. I remembered Kang Hye Jung chanting to it with Haru while Tablo were performing in YGFC Japan.

This song is really nice! Gw seneng YG memperbolehkan Epik High membawakan lagu lama mereka yang diproduksi sebelum mereka masuk YG. Awalnya gw kira mereka akan strict ke lagu2 baru aja, yang mereka bikin setelah masuk YG.

Anyway, yang jadi highlight gw akan Epik High sebenernya bukan lagunya, tapi sesi talk mereka.

K.O.C.A.K B.A.N.G.E.T!

See for yourself:


Gw tau Epik High punya banyak recognition di dunia hip hop, as well as musician, tapi gw ga pernah tau kalo mereka juga punya personality! I thought personally they are only a bunch of ahjussi!!! Hahahaha~~

Personality-nya mereka DAEBAK banget!

Ngakak parah denger omongan mereka!

Tablo: So, we have an album coming out very soon, but we’re trying to stay humble about it, we don’t like to boast too much. We are a very humble people. But it will be the greatest album in the history of stuff animals. It’s the best album ever. So when you hear the news about our album release, all we ask is that you buy a hundred copies each.
Mithra: No! No! No! No! That’s no-no! A billion copies each!
DJ Tukutz: No! A zillion!

Ini grup apa sihhh sebenernya???

DJ Tukutz: Hi! My name is Tukutz! Do you have Twitter?
Crowd: Yeaaaahh!!!
DJ Tukutz: Me too! @Tukutz81, follow follow follow me!
Mithra Jin: Do you have Twitter?
Crowd: Yeaaaahh!!!
Mithra Jin: Yes! *throwing fist to the air* Me too. @mithrajin follow follow me.
Tablo:  I understand that many people has already asked you this but… Do you have Twitter?
Crowd: Yeaaaahh!!!
Tablo: Me too!!! @Blobyblo FOLLOW FOLLOW FOLLOW ME!

Dan believe it or not, ketika mereka promo Twitter itu, di layar ada tulisannya juga!!! Dasar bapak2 gendeng! XD

Epik High – 비겨

Di lagu ini Epik High bener2 mengubah crowd di Sing Indoor jadi crowd underground rap show. Mereka terjun ke penonton dan nyiram2in air ke mereka! Sinting! Ooh how I wish I was at festival standing so I could experience that craziness!

Epik High ft. Dara - Love Love Love

Kakak is featured! Lagunya asyik dan easy listening. So full of love!

Lagu ini jadi penutup sesi pertama Epik High. Agak ga rela sih melepas stage mereka yang berhasil bikin loncat2, put yo hands up, ketawa ngakak. Tapi toh nanti mereka muncul lagi!

Overall Epik High's stage is beyond expectation. Yang tadinya gw sangka akan boring, secara lagunya asing banget di kuping gw, tapi dengan performance yang prima, kicking ass dan komunikatif, Epik High's is definitely one of my favorite performer that night.

(to be continued)

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