Saturday, January 26, 2019

Travel Across the Globe to Find…… Love?

Hi, guys! How y’all doin?

This story isn’t about me, it’s about my friend. Kita sebut saja namanya Poki.

Poki ini temen gw di tempat kerja. A very unique individual. Very nice. Very funny. Very naïve. And very very observant.

Couple months after we got to know each other he told me I have this tendency to eat only from the tip of my spoon.

“Seeta tuh kalo makan cuma dari ujung sendok, ga pernah satu sendok full.”

I was like… wtf? Why the fuck you have to notice that, you bloody observant bitch? LOL~

Poki is also very very hopeless in love. Been single for years (duh~ what’s the big deal about that? but of course for him it’s embarrassing~), so he’s galau all the freaking time.

Few months ago he went to Bali and was hooked up with an Australian guy. He fell in love with him instantly and has been so crazy over him for months now to the point… he’s going to Australia in April.

Crazy, huh?

This guy might/might not like him back, but he decides to go anyway.

Di satu pihak gw heran sama dia~ Kok bisa2nya? Tu cowok belom tentu suka sama dia juga, tapi dia keukeuh mau nyusul ke Aussie.

I know people are blind and crazy when it comes to love. Cinta emang bisa bikin orang jadi ga masuk akal. Been there done that. I did a lot of embarrassing stuffs when I’m in love too. Tapi gw ga pernah sampai yang spend a lot of money and efforts (ngurus visa, surat izin kantor, dll) untuk nyusulin orang yang gw suka ke belahan dunia yang lain sih~

I don’t think it’s wrong, sah-sah aja kayak gitu. Maybe this guy is really worth to fight for sampai temen gw melakukan itu.

It just blows my mind, karena gw belum pernah ada di posisi itu.

Terus gw jadi membayangkan.. suatu hari ini.. akankah ada waktunya gw bernasib serupa? Very very desperately in love to the point I might leave everything behind and go somewhere beyond planet to search for love?

Is it really worth it?

Is it really crazy?

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Me Wassup #52 - Two K Nineteen

Hi, guys! Been a while.

First post in 2k19. Wow. The month is almost entering the second half.

Been busy. Well that’s a lie.

Been lazy.

Few updates:

1. Starting this year applying to 5 companies. One with 60% possibility to get called back. Finger crossed!
2. Got an offer to do freelancing from an international company. Gone through a test to get the shot. Wish me luck.
3. Aussie visa got approved, but because of my stupidity, they only grant me 3 months. Sucks.
4. Saving money for Aussie trip begins. No cinema this month and next month. No eating out. No impromptu shopping. Needs to save money to get hair smoothed. That alone is almost Rp 1M. Oh expenses…
5. Job role got changed. Different team, but more or less doing the same shit. Should be happy about this. Hopefully, if everything goes according to plan, this means more free time to do freelancing. Resigning is still top priority though.
6. One of closest friends will get married. Must prepare for unwanted bridesmaid cost.
7. Grace will give birth next month. Must prepare gift.    

Udah ah segitu aja. Mau lanjut nonton Memories of The Alhambra. Bye.