Monday, December 31, 2012

Last Post for 2012


Ketemu lagi sama Seeta di penghujung tahun 2012.


2012 has been such a long ride, huh?

Well at least for me. :)

Tahun ini gw fully occupied as a worker. Bisa dibilang tahun ini hidup gw berisi 70% kerja, 30% main. Am I satisfied? Yes, I am. Malah taun depan target gw adalah 80% kerja, 20% main. Resiko kehilangan kehidupan sosial? I take that. Ini bagian dari proses menjalankan visi, so like it or not, I have to deal with that. Am I ready? Yes, I am.

So, 2012. Haruskah bikin recap seperti taun lalu?




Abis banyak banget kejadian, pengalaman, dan momen2 ga terlupakan, males ngingetnya~ Ini pasti gw akan menyesal belakangan sih tapi mau gimana, yang namanya males ga ada obatnya~ Tapi kalo diliat2 gw menulis cukup banyak Me Wassup taun ini, mudah2an itu cukup representatiflah untuk recap2an.


What else to say?

2013 target?

I have one, but I’m not gonna post it here.

So what are you going to write?

Hmmm… I’m thinking about something fun, something hilarious to share with you guys and my indolent mind has this bright-wild idea!

LMC 2012’s CRUSH!

… in entertainment of course, not in the real world, geez I’m not living one~ -__-

Started off, when I was watching Simple Plan concert in January. I got to interview Seb, their guitarist and he was sooo... freakin’ handsome I got to control my own nosebleed~ Tapi Seb tuh beneran ganteng banget sih mirip Yesus! Crush gw ke Seb gila2anlah pokoknya. Perlu waktu cukup lama untuk bisa ngelupain Seb. K-Pop helped me a lot with that.

Speaking of, there was Jay Park whom I’ve been a fan of since 2011. He is my definition of Asian Chris Brown. A friend of Ryan Higa and Kevjumba. He came to Indonesia and I got to interview him and made eye-contact! Yeay! The art of fangirling, every second of interaction counts. :)

Not long after Jay Park, I met Leeteuk. Yes the leader of Super Junior and his bewitching Assalamu’alaykum. His charm… Subhanallah. Leader yang sangat mengayomi. Paling tua tapi nggak keliatan paling tua. Yeah fuck that bitch Kang Sora!

Around summer, Hollywood pulled me back to reality. “Too much K-Pop will kill you, bitch! Here I gave you The Avengers and The Amazing Spider-Man! Enjoy RDJ and Andrew Garfield to the fullest.” they said. Hohoho~ Thank you! I pretty much enjoyed them. But fuck why must there be Gwyneth Paltrow and Emma Stone? T.T

And then there was or there is Seungri of Bigbang. Ngefans sama dia karena terpaksa (read it here). Tapi kemudian ga menyesal karena PERKEMBANGANNYA PESAT! Constantly improving. The boy got brain, the boy got skill, the boy got face, basically, he got everything. ALL HYUNGS MUST BEWARE! THE STRONG BABY MAKNAE IS GETTING EVEN STRONGER!


Lucu juga bikin postingan kayak gini buat mengakhiri tahun.

Oh ya, most likely nanti malem gw akan ngespam lagi di timeline Twitter untuk (not-so) livetweet MBC Gayo Daejun. Hehehe~  

Sebelum gw akhiri postingan ini, berikut video_lagu yang jadi current addiction gw sekarang. Mudah-mudahan bisa menghibur. :)

Happy New Year, folks!

Friday, December 28, 2012


I had a nightmare last night. 

I was so bad that I was begging for someone to wake me up right away even though I was still in that dream.

But no one did.

It was so sad~

I woke up this morning with my heart beating unreasonably fast, hoping nothing bad would happen today.


Sunday, December 23, 2012

My Relationship With K-Pop is… Complicated!

You know, when it comes to the term K-Pop, I honestly don’t have any specific criteria for an idol to be idolized.

I only have two main idols in K-Pop, whom I like because of their music: 2NE1 and Jay Park.

I like 2NE1 because I’m so connected to their music. It’s similar to Lady Gaga’s, it reminds me a lot to Missy Elliot’s back in old days, it somehow gives me the feeling like when I listened to Britney Spears’. Well you know, it’s just the music I never get bored to. That kinda music that fits me the most. My kinda music. That’s why 2NE1 will always be in my first place.

I like Jay Park because he’s American, haha~ Yeah it’s true. But truth is, they sold me his story and I bought it. Bone once told me all about his controversy and I found it very interesting. But then I listened to his songs and I found it similar to Chris Brown’s on his 1st album in 2005. It was really good, especially for people who like R & B and hip hop. I was a ghetto once in a while back there, so I like it. Jay Park helps me reminisce the music I used to like. The beat is so fun, the melody is ear-catchy, and his voice is superb. It’s very rare, you see, to find someone who’s able to sing and rap in Korea. Well, since Jay is American, let’s give him an excuse, shall we. :)

But then K-Pop is getting even more interesting.

It’s not just a music, but a whole new concept of entertainment!

It’s not only made for people who love music, but to all the people in general.

K-Pop provides everything you wish for idol to be.

Everything, just everything.

Face? Checked.

Skill? Checked.

Performance and stage-act? Checked.

Which one fits you the most? Just pick, they have them all.

This is when I started to pay attention to anyone else.

Take Girls’ Generation for example.

First time I heard Gee on the radio, I wanna puke.

“What-the-fuck-is-it” something like that.

But then I heard it again and again until the song stuck in my head and I liked it. It all happened naturally, I built certain curiosity. I wanted to know more about the members. I googled, I tubed and bam! There are Korean-American girls in the group, Tiffany Hwang and Jessica Jung.

Been a worshipper of American music since I was very little, knowing the fact that there actually is an American among those Korean idols is something I consider as symbol of hope.

Yeah I know it’s silly but that’s what I think. That’s why I always give special attention to American-Born Korean, especially the one in the group. Tiffany and Jessica are just the beginning. Later on I found out about f(x)’s Amber Liu, Kara’s Nicole, 2PM’s Nichkhun, and of course, Jay Park.

I started to learn the thing they called ‘bias’, which means your favorite member in the group. Those American-Born Koreans are no doubt, my biases. 

But then it’s getting more interesting, again.

You know, thanks to my job I have a chance to get to know K-Pop more. I have privileges to meet them in person and watch their performances. That’s when I realized, these idols also have personalities. Inside the group for example, there is a hierarchy: leader, main singer, main dancer, center, and maknae (the youngest). That creates different personality and approach for each of them.

Why should they make such things?

Why is it important?

But in K-Pop, yes it is important. It is somehow their marketing strategy to sell every member’s, not just the group or the music.

That’s the thing about K-Pop, isn’t it?

Like I said before, K-Pop provides everything you wish for idol to be.

If you don’t like the music, try to watch their performance. If you don’t like the performance, try to watch their variety shows. It shows you everyone’s real personality that you might like. I think it’s similar with liking some TV personalities or social media personalities or YouTube personalities. You may find it similar to yours or if it somehow attracts you. At the end, you’ll like it.

As a fan of K-Pop, I admit I love the idea of liking their personalities. That’s where my affection toward 2NE1’s Sandara Park, Bigbang’s Seungri, Super Junior’s Leeteuk, SHINee’s Minho, Wonder Girls’ Sunye, B2ST’s Gi Kwang, 4minute’s HyunA and G.Na came from.

You may wonder, why would someone who idolize a super-talented Jay Park, also idolize an average-skilled kid like Seungri or a pretty boy like Leeteuk? Why would someone who like 2NE1 music, also like that super slutty HyunA?

I simply like their personalities. Because of that I enter the stage where I don’t care about their performance on stage anymore. I also don’t care about their lacking of skills. For me, they can’t go wrong in anyway.

So if you or anybody ask me, who’s my favorite K-Pop idol, well this post is the answer.

I can’t simply answer 2NE1 or Jay Park because I have a lot, each of them has a specific reason.

What can I say, my relationship with K-Pop is complicated.

Thank you so much for reading! :)

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Hobbit is so not recommended…

Hari Kamis kemarin gw screening The Hobbit.

Gw ga punya ekspektasi apa2 sama film ini, ga baca novelnya, ga nonton The Lord of The Rings sebelumnya, bahkan baca sinopsisnya for the sake supaya pas nonton ga blank2 amat aja nggak gw lakukan. Satu2nya alasan gw nonton adalah pengen liat si Sherlock a.k.a Benedict Cumberbatch.

Tapi The Hobbit ini promonya heboh sih. Fansnya LOTR terutama, menganggap film ini sebagai ajang nostalgia sama LOTR. Jadi mereka excited banget. Mungkin gw akan kayak gitu juga kalo someday Harry Potter dibuat spin off-nya juga. 

Suasana screening malem itu cukup ramai. Malah sangat ramai sampe studionya full house. Kurang lebih empat row kursi bioskop udah di-reserved, berarti selain wartawan, ada tamu VIP juga yang nonton, bule2 gitu. Terus ternyata ada fans LOTR juga, kayaknya member fanbase LOTR Indonesia gitu yang dateng pake kostum karakter2 LOTR. Klasik.

Film pun dimulai.

You see, di postingan ini gw ga akan nge-review The Hobbit, walaupun judulnya mengesankan demikian. Gw cuma mau cerita pengalaman nontonnya aja.

Adegan2 pertama okelah, flashback gitu kan. Gw belum pernah nonton LOTR jadi agak sedikit norak pas ngeliat setting The Hobbiton yang jadi tempat tinggalnya si… siapa nama hobbitnya? Err… Barto? Dido? Err… Frodo? Eh itu anaknya ya? Ya pokoknya dia deh.

The Hobbiton keren juga yaa.. apik dan hijau gitu kayak rumah Teletubbies.. katanya itu set-nya beneran ya di New Zealand? Mantap.

Terus gw mencoba mengerti jalan ceritanya. Jadi si hobbit itu disuruh Gandalf ikutan journey buat nyari Smaug. Jadi sepanjang film itu adegan2nya akan seputar perjalanan nyari Smaug itu. Intinya gitu kan? Okelah.

Adegan2 pertama journey-nya lumayan menghibur. Membuat gw sedikit nostalgia akan Harry Potter. Ada Gandalf yang mirip Dumbledore, troll gunung, laba2 raksasa mirip Aragog, etc.. Aah.. fans LOTR pasti menganggap JK Rowling plagiat JRR Tolkien seperti gw menganggap Stephanie Meyer plagiat JK Rowling.

Anyway! Awalnya sih seru2 aja ngeliat petualangannya si hobbit sama dwarfs itu. Visually okay, very HD, angle pengambilan gambar juga oke, it’s like nothing is wrong with the cinematography and acting. Apalagi di tengah2 dwarfs itu ada Aidan Turner, lumayanlah eye candy.

Tapi ceritanya kok… panjang banget ya?

Well I know the movie is about a journey, tapi haruskan sepanjang itu?

Satu jam pertama gw mulai agak bosen. Si Sherlock belom keliatan juga (atau kayaknya gw yang ga liat). Jadi gw rassa tidur sebentar sepertinya gapapa. Tidurlah gw. Entah adegan apa yang gw lewatin, hopefully ga terlalu penting jadi gw tetep bisa keep up pas bangun.

Gw tidur kira2 30 menit. Pas bangun lanjut nonton, adegannya entah udah sampe mana, tapi masih tetep rintangan2 di sepanjang journey. Belom ada adegan yang mancing emosi gw sebagai penonton. Jadi setelah melek kira2 setengah jam, gw ngantuk lagi dan tidur lagi.

Gw bener2 berharap pas gw bangun adegannya udah final deh, atau adegan apa kek yang bisa bikin mata gw stay awake. Ternyata masih belom juga! Akhirnya gw tidur lagi. Yang gw inget, yang bikin gw kebangun adalah suara serak2 familiar yang lumayan bikin heboh studio. Ternyata lagi adegannya Gollum yang adalah icon-nya LOTR. Pantesan para fans itu heboh. Mungkin gw akan bereaksi seperti itu juga kali ya kalo someday di spin off-nya Harry Potter muncul si Dobby.

Gollum lumayan bikin gw stay awake, tapi dalam keadaan tidak prima. Gw rasa saat itu film udah berlangsung lebih dari dua jam. Seperti halnya manusia normal, badan gw mulai bereaksi. Kebelit pipis pastinya, kedinginan, laper dan haus. Gw sama sekali ga antisipasi kalo The Hobbit akan segitu lamanya jadi gw ga bawa cemilan, ga bawa pashmina/sweater dan ga pipis dulu sebelom nonton. Gw mikirnya film ini kan fantasi, akan selama apa sih? Kan tinggal nonton doang, ga pake mikir, paling 2 jam kelar. Kenyataannya, udah hampir 3 jam di bioskop, filmnya ga kelar2! Jangankan kelar, menunjukkan adegan klimaks aja belom!!! Damn it!

Tapi yang paling bikin frustasi itu, semua sequence adegannya itu ga penting! I mean, kalo beberapa sequence itu dibuang, kayaknya the whole movie akan baik2 aja. Action-nya so-so. dialog-nya STD, adegan per adegannya gampang ketebak. It’s like: “ah abis ini mereka bisa ketemu di X lagi nih, tapi ntar ditolongin si Y” or “ntar pasti nemuin senjata di sana” or “pasti di A ini betrayer” bla bla bla, reaksi2 seperti itu sering banget gw ucapkan pas nonton.

Gw langsung sok2 analisis kenapa The Hobbit bisa sepanjang itu. Bisa jadi karena modalnya kegedean dan pihak produksi ga tau sisa uangnya mau diapain, jadi adegannya dibanyakin. Bisa juga karena bingung mau motong adegan mana di buku buat dimasukin ke film, akhirnya malah sayang dan dimasukin semua. Atau ya, simply pengen memanjakan mata penonton aja.

Manjain apaan~ yang ada mata jadi sakit nonton film 3,5 jam. Apalagi disiksa kacamata 3D~ huhuhu

To make it even more dramatic, ini pertama kalinya gw diperlakukan kayak gini sama film Hollywood. The Dark Knight Rises aja yang filmnya seru banget cuma 2,5 jam! Lah The Hobbit yang hampir semua adegannya boring masa 3 jam?! Gw langsung concern sama orang2 yang nanti akan beli DVD original The Hobbit. Pasti rugi karena ga ada deleted scenes~ hahaha~ Gile aje, masa filmnya udah 3,5 jam, masih ada deleted scenes~

Ah pokoknya gw ilfillah. Tadinya pengen bikin review secara ini film ngetop, tapi keburu ilfil. Kalo dari sinematografi bisa gw kasih nilai 8/10, karena ilfil gw bisa aja gw kasih 5/10. Tapi daripada ntar didemo massa, jadi mending ga usah gw review.


Tapi sebenernya gw don’t mind nonton film yang durasinya panjang bgt kayak gini, even Fantasy, asal abis nonton gw dapet sesuatu gitu lho. Kayak pas nonton film India 3 Idiots, lama juga 3 jam-an. Tapi pesan moral dan konfliknya banyak. Jadi gw ga keluar gedung bioskop dengan sia2. Atau nonton The Dark Knight Rises yang sepanjang film otak gw dipaksa mikir, biar ada alasan buat mantengin satu adegan ke adegan lain kan?

Tapi film fantasi yang sepanjang film cuma disuguhin visual doang kayak The Hobbit gini sih……… *lambai2 ke kamera*

Begitulah lagi.

Intinya, The Hobbit is so not recommended for the sake of your eyes. Sayangilah matamu, Nak. Durasi terbaik menonton film untuk mata adalah 2 jam. Jadi pertimbangkan kembali kesehatan mata sebelum menonton The Hobbit, apalagi yang 3D.

Tapi tentu saja lo akan tetep nonton kalo lo fans LOTR kan? Hahaha~

Anyway apa sih sebutannya? Kalo Harry Potter kan Potterheads tuh, kalo LOTR apa? Frodoheads? Hobbithards? What? :O

Catcha later!


Bonus info:
Jadi setelah bertahan 3,5 jam di bioskop, gw kan tetep ga nemu si Sherlock ya~ Besoknya pas gw Google, ternyata dia jadi Smaug si naga! Jadi yang dipake cuma suaranya doang! Damn it!!!! X(