Monday, February 26, 2018

Pengen Produktif

Hey wassup y’all? How is it goin?

Gw lagi pengen produktif, biar kesannya ga jobless2 amat~ Jadi gw ngeblog, dan kali ini gw bakal ngeblog soal kegiatan paling produktif yang gw lakukan selama jadi pengangguran: nonton series!

Simply said, I literally watch a bunch of series in the past two months. Di postingan ini gw akan sebutin apa aja dan kasih review singkat.

Begitu pulang dari Melbourne, gw langsung nonton Gotham S2, S3, S4. Karena di Netflix Osi cuma ada Season 1. I’ve been craaaving for Gotham since last year and I finally watched it! Woohooooo~~~

Gotham is probably the only reason I still have hope for DC universe. I love how they curated the stories of Batman’s villains and how they play their part in creating identity for Gotham. I love that Gotham has very different vibe from the other DC series (The Flash, Arrow, Supergirl) and that vibe is somewhat similar to the greatest superhero movie of all time, The Dark Knight. Yes, it is also very comical and has unpredictable twist (sometimes stupid and cheap), but it is enjoyable regardless.

Gotham masih on-going di S4 sekarang dan akan resume setelah break tanggal 1 Maret nanti. The next episode could be my wildest dream sih, Ra's Al Ghul balik, Poison Ivy di-upgrade, The Penguin & Jerome aka The (future) Joker are plotting chaos from Arkham, Bruce paska Alfred dismissal, OMG!!! Can’t wait!!!

NEXT! Tentunya gw menonton Black Mirror S4 yang dirilis tepat sesaat setelah gw pulang dari Melbourne. Gw selalu suka konsepnya Black Mirror, walaupun most of the time setelah gw nonton setiap episodenya, make me wish I never watch such thing and never think of such ideas~ LOL~

Yeah, di situlah daya tarik utama Black Mirror, selalu berhasil bikin yang nonton depresi, takut, sinful, desperate, anxious, or overall feeling like shit~ But we still watch it anyway, karena isu yang diangkat penting dan membuka wawasan. Film wise, it has solid stories, strong characters, well-written screenplay, good cinematography (film kind of cinematography, not on series standard),

Black Mirror S4, surprisingly, memberikan pengalaman yang cukup berbeda dari season sebelumnya. Untuk pertama kalinya, nonton Black Mirror rasanya seperti nonton Marvel movie, karena USS Callister dan Black Museum. Episode 1 dan 6. Pembuka dan penutup.

Gw ga akan kasih spoiler di sini, lo bisa nonton sendiri. Yang pasti 2 episode itu will leave you feeling happy, satisfied, winning, strong, epic, dan sensasi2 yang ga pernah lo rasakan ketika nonton Black Mirror sebelumnya.

Di tengah2 USS Callister dan Black Museum, ada Arkangel, Crocodile, Hang The DJ, dan Metalhead. Arkangel sebenernya menarik, tapi endingnya ketebak. Crocodile cukup menegangkan dan membuat gw berharap ada justice yang ditegakkan di ending-nya, which appears to be so, tapi ga dijelasin akhirnya gimana, they leave us hanging—classic. Metalhead juga menegangkan, tapi yaudah gitu aja, nothing really stands out. Hang The DJ cukup intriguing dan membuat gw berpikir tentang science di balik “jodoh”, HAHAHAHA~ Karena episode ini semacam metafor konsep jodoh di alam semesta yang kita tinggali sekarang, very nice storytelling.

Next-nya yang gw tonton adalah THIS IS US!!! OMG!!! FINALLY!!! Ka Cia udah rekomen gw untuk nonton ini dari tahun lalu. Doi bilang ini family drama bagus banget, ga cheesy sama sekali, and she is right! I LOOOOOOVE THIS IS US! It has strong characters (great casts!), the story-telling is another level (seriously siapa yang kepikiran bikin show dengan 3 latar waktu yang semuanya well-integrated and consistent, aaaarrgghh so awesome), it is very heartwarming and in a way very relatable as well, semacam kalo lo di situasi yang sama pasti lo akan bertindak demikian, momen2 seperti itu akan lo rasakan sepanjang nonton This Is Us.

Favorite karakter? Randall pastinya. But Jack Pearson comes close sih. Suka Randall karena kepribadiannya yang baiiikk bangettt, berbaktiii bangettt sama orang tua, sayang anak sayang istri, pintar, dan pantang menyerah. I mean for someone who has a pain and been suffering for so long, masih bisa positif, masih bisa optimis, menurut gw keren banget.

Tapi Jack Pearson itu sih… Subhanallah… PERFECT! Maybe the only reason Jack Pearson comes second to Randall in terms of my favorite… karena orang kayak Jack Pearson itu sepenuhnya fiksi di dunia ini. Wkwkwkwk~

Ya Allah… Aku pengen punya suami kayak JP...

Cari dimana ya??? *celingak celinguk di depan realita*

Btw, sama seperti Gotham, This Is Us juga masih on-going. Kemarin sukses banget bikin marketing campaign “After The Superbowl”, yang ceritanya merayakan kembalinya mereka tayang setelah winter break (kenapa sih series Amrik ini dikit2 break?! -__-), dan mengisahkan tentang terungkapnya penyebab kematian Jack Pearson—yang menjadi pertanyaan penonton sekian lama bahkan termasuk orang2 yang baru mulai nonton (seperti gw), yang diceritakan terjadi “After The Superbowl”.

M.I.N.D.B.L.O.W.I.N.G! *applause*


Sebagai follower akut Netflix, gw berkewajiban untuk nonton The End of The F***ing World. Teaser-nya udah keluar sejak gw masih di Melbourne, so I’d been dying to see this. I finally watched it and I looooove it! Cukup kaget ketika tau 1 episodenya cuma 20 menit dan itu cuma 8 episode total. Kenapa ga langsung aja dijadiin film 2 jam deh~~

Tapi gw suka. Awalnya gw kira it’s the millennial version of Sid and Nancy, but it’s not~ Totally different, sama in the sense of bandelnya aja. Tapi premis bener2 beda.

TEOTFW is so well-written! It’s not only smart, funny, warm, but also sinister, disturbing, and frustrating.

I love that walaupun ceritanya mudah dicerna, tapi banyak pelajaran hidup yang actually important. I love that behind every stupid teenage line there is significant substance that speaks maturity and wisdom. I really enjoy its unique depiction of “two kids against the world doing a ride-or-die road trip full with a sing-along”-kinda flick. Cocok banget untuk y’all nerds yang pengen nonton teenage flick tapi para pemerannya ga ganteng/cantik, bukan anak populer di sekolah, totally no one, totally invisible, totally just another loser at school, TEOTFW in a way is very relatable to us mediocre high school graduates~ :)

Sukaaaa banget karakter Alyssa! Well-brought up by Jessie Barden! Cewe troublemaker yang cuek, pinter, percaya diri, super berani, tapi juga caring, sometimes naïve (coz she’s only 17 yo). She is the star of the show IMO.

Sukaaaa banget sama chemistry Alyssa dan James, progression-nya terasa, walaupun dialog, acting, image dan graphic-nya terkesan irritating, tapi we can actually see their pure love eventually.

Ada satu quote dari James tentang Alyssa yang gw suka banget, quote yang menyadarkan James kalo dia udah berhasil jatuh cinta sama Alyssa. I love how feminist and strong this statement sounds!

“I was never Alyssa’s protector. She was mine.”


Lastly: The Good Place.

Did I ever tell you that I love The Good Place? WKWKWK! I FUCKING LOVE IT!

Awalnya sih ga sengaja nonton, soalnya Netflix terus2an recommend gw untuk nonton itu di Osi. It kept showing up on my homepage, so annoying. But since yang main one of my favorite actress, Kristen Bell, gw percaya she will nail any role she got, ga peduli filmnya in general crappy or not, Kristen will nail it anyway!

So I watched it back in Melbourne and fell in love instantly! It’s soooooo funny! Seriously gw nonton TGP beneran ngakak sampai pipis! Aslikk!!!

Bercerita tentang Mbak Eleanor Shellstrop (diperanin mbakku Kristen Bell) yang meninggal dunia dan terbangun di sebuah tempat berlatar putih. Ternyata tempat itu adalah syuuuurga atau yang di sini disebut The Good Place. Dia disambut oleh oleh Michael, person in charge di TGP—not necessarily berarti Tuhan. Michael bilang Eleanor layak mendapat tempat di TGP karena semasa hidupnya berbuat banyak kebaikan. Ia kemudian memperkenalkan TGP pada Eleanor, mulai dari tur keliling neighborhood, ngasih rumah yang bisa ditempatin, dan milihin soulmate—karena semua orang di TGP punya soulmate.

Semuanya terlihat perfect and happy at the beginning, masalahnya cuma satu: Mbak Eleanor ini tau banget kalo dirinya BUKAN ORANG BAIK. Semasa hidupnya Eleanor adalah orang yang egois, jahat, rese, tukang bohong, tukang hina orang, dll. Jadi ga mungkin banget dia masuk surga~

Season 1 isinya adalah Eleanor mencoba mencari tau what the fuck is happening—yang kemudian ketauan di season finale. Season 2 isinya adalah kelanjutannya—apa yang dilakukan Eleanor dkk setelah mengetahui kebenaran yang ada di TGP.

Bedanya sama series2 lain yang gw tonton, TGP ini bukan series~ wkwk~ It’s a sitcom, satu episodenya cuma 20 menitan. Jadi cepet banget kalo mau binge-watch.

Gw suka TGP karena:
- lucu banget banget banget! Dialognya itu funny as hell, penuh referensi ke realita dan fakta. It is VERY human, mengekspos kelakukan2 dan sifat2 manusia yang sangat raw. Trust me, lo akan merasa tersindir minimal 2 kali kalo nonton TGP. Komedinya satir, banyak nyindir, tapi lucu.
- penuh twist! Ending-nya S1 itu twist paling bangke. S2 juga banyak twist. Ini sitcom komedi tapi saking banyaknya twist malah kayak film detektif. Wkwk~
- kreatif! Sungguhlah level kreatifnya se-Black Mirror. Kalo Black Mirror bikin versi komedi mungkin TGP. Pake plotnya San Junipero. Wkwkwk~
- the characters! Karakter2nya sangat ga realistis sih, tapi sangat kuat. Masing2 punya kepribadian yang bener2 beda, tapi very connected dan saling melengkapi. Like puzzles!
- Filosofis! Secara salah satu karakternya aja profesor filosofi dan tugasnya di universe TGP adalah ngajarin orang2 ethics, tentu saja TGP sarat filosofi2 tentang manusia dan sekitarnya. Tapi walaupun judulnya filosofi, cara mereka memaparkannya ga berat sama sekali! Tetep comedic dan refreshing!
- freakin censored bad words!!! Jadi karena judulnya The Good Place, ga boleh tuh yang namanya ada kata2 kasar yang terucap. TGP punya sistem untuk menyensor bad words secara otomatis. Jadi walaupun lo ngomong ‘fuck’ misalnya, yang keluar dari mulut lo adalah ‘fork’! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH~~~ Banyak banget kosa kata “terjemahan” bad words di sini yang kadang2 ga ketebak aslinya kata apa. Seriously gw baru nyadar "hot diggity dog" itu holyshit setelah meraba2 sekian lama! Wkwkwk. Hal2 seperti ini jadi pengalaman unik sendiri pas nonton TGP.

Gw mencoba mencari kelemahannya TGP, tapi ga nemu. Seriously, it has everything that makes a good sitcom. Rating-nya di Rotten Tomatoes aja 100%, kalah Black Panther. WKWK!

So yeah, series2 itu yang menemani kehidupan gw yang belum bermakna ini selama dua bulan belakangan. I definitely recommend them to y’all!

Good night!

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Hey, you!

Yeah, you. It’s been a while since we talked last time in October.

It’s been 3 months more or less. This means I’ve been suffering this anxiety for 3 months as well.

When you first reached out to me, I was so happy. It was unexpected and pretty surreal at that time. Got my first job offer –a dream job from my dream company– two months before graduation? That is every graduate’s wildest dream and you made it happened!

I was so thrilled about my future. You gave me hope. You lighted me up. All I could see for 2018 was rainbow and unicorn. That was one of the happiest moment in my life.

And then you called. We talked. It started off good, really good. We got to know each other, we listened to each other, we shared the laugh.

Then we were running out of time. You were running out of time. You realized that there were still so many things you hadn’t asked me, so you rushed. You rushed everything. You got aggressive. You attacked.

I was helpless. I was panic. I didn’t know what I was doing.

The last thing I knew, I messed up. You got me. It was a checkmate for you.

You hung up the phone. I didn’t.

Part of me wanted to keep talking to you, share more mutuals we had, and conclude the talk with a “speak to you soon” or even better, “see you soon”.

But no. All you gave me was “all the best”.

I was confused. I was angry. But, as naïve as I might sound, I believed there is still hope in “all the best”. I believed “the best” for me was you.

So I waited and waited.

One month passed. I reached out. No answer.

Oh maybe you were busy.

Two months. Still no answer.

Oh maybe you were still busy. It was December. Everyone is the busiest at the end of the season.

Then January came down and passed.

I was frustrated. I was angry.

All I need is one chance, one opportunity to make my dream come true, to give back to the community, to contribute to my country, to make ends meet doing something I actually want to do—not something everybody else thinks I want to do, to be in a place where I actually belong.

I am disappointed. In you, in myself, in life.

But lucky you, I am also a fool.

So I will keep waiting.

If you read this, I trust you. You know what you gotta do.
