Sunday, December 29, 2019

Decade’s Highlights

Hi, guys! How y’all doin?

Apparently, it’s now a trend to yearly highlight a decade of your life like one sentence/phrase per year.

I tried to do that last night but it failed. I can’t highlight my years in only one sentence. So I thought let’s make a long-ass highlight here, on my safest haven, my blog.

Here we go!

- Last year in uni
- YouTube addiction
- Harry Potter addiction
- Turning 21, a legal age in Singapore, super excited to be able to visit Marina Bay Sands’ casino.
- First time visiting Universal Studio Singapore
- First time visiting malaysia
- Made a movie!

- Finished final assignment earlier than my peers
- Graduated from uni
- Heavy travel, Hong Kong and China for the 1st time
- Mild post-graduation depression
- Entered “the jungle” of employment, got my first job at XXXXX
- Getting to know and obsess with 2NE1 and K-Pop

- Absolutely in love being an entertainment journalist
- Super addicted to Kpop
- First time to Bali

- Exclusive interview with Carly Rae Jepsen
- First internal conflict at work
- Addicted to concerts
- Made it to VOA’s finalists

- First time promotion at work
- Met and interviewed 2NE1, watched YG Famcon
- First time being bridesmaid
- Severe depression because of career’s insecurity

- Got wisdom tooth surgery
- Left XXXXX, joined WKWKWK
- Living agency life, feeling unfit
- Looked out for scholarship, took IELTS prep and test, got LPDP
- Bought Macbook

- Second internal conflict at work
- Made new friends from LPDP
- Bought iPhone
- Accepted in Unimelb
- Relocated to Melbourne
- Uni life part 2
- First time hiking, fallen in love with nature
- New Zealand for the 1st time

- Had the time of my life from down under
- Netflix addiction
- Alcoholic year
- Skipped fasting month and Eid
- Learned deeper about depression
- Graduated with a master degree

- Relocated back to Indo
- Joined Lazada
- Downgraded career
- Brokenhearted
- Experienced depression for real, got help

- New challenge, new boss
- Super heavy travel
- Thailand and Korea for the 1st time
- Looking for my own place, thinking about investment

Well, well.

Gw ga tau gimana menggambarkan satu dekade ini buat gw. I learnt a lot, experienced a lot, disappointed a lot, happy a lot. I failed. I succeeded. I had the time of my life. I depressed.

Kalo boleh milih, my best year itu 2011, 2014, dan 2017. My worst year itu 2015 dan 2018.

2020 ga tau bentuknya akan seperti apa. Tapi yang pasti next decade gw akan punya kerjaan baru, punya rumah baru, dan menikah.

Mungkin punya kesempatan buat traveling lagi ke negara2 atau daerah2 baru, who knows?

Tapi yang pasti gw akan upgrade diri sih, on every aspect I could think of. Satu dekade terakhir harusnya udah cukup mempersiapkan gw untuk dekade selanjutnya yang bakal super challenging. So, I’m ready!

A’ite! Time to fuel up for a decade!

Bobo duyu~ byeee

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