Sunday, September 21, 2014

My Story from YG Family 2014 Galaxy Tour: Power in Singapore - Part 5

You know, gw harus bikin satu postingan khusus buat PSY. Ga boleh digabung sama yang lain. Harus spesial satu postingan khusus isinya PSY. You know why? 


Dari dulu gw udah tau PSY gila banget di panggung. Kalo perform kayak orang mabok, ga bisa dikontrol sama sekali. Segila itu, se-epic itu. Makanya gw sangat menanti2kan stage-nya PSY. Menyaksikan stage se-dope itu, ibarat prestasi lo sebagai manusia di dunia ini. Mungkin bisa lo tulis di CV lo, achievement: watching live performance of PSY.

Putri awalnya underestimate sama performance PSY. Menurut dia PSY tuh ga YG banget, ga kpop banget, overrated, dll. Can’t blame her of course, so many people take PSY’s existence as a joke, which is completely wrong! There is a reason why PSY is so well-respected and loved in Korea as well as in the world. That's what i'm trying to tell you in this post. The PSY-effect.

Anyway, ketika mendengar Putri ngomong gitu, gw ketawa aja.


Lo bakal kena karma, Put! Nobody, I said, nobody is this friggin world is allowed to underestimate PSY. Nobody is allowed to mess with a man of 2 billion YouTube views.


And I was right, of course.

Baru opening video-nya aja PSY udah gila banget! Dikasih liat cuplikan dominasi Gangnam Style dua taun lalu sampe sekarang, ditambah poster-posternya di Billboard, MTV, dll, semuanya bikin hype memanas. Sampe akhirnya mukanya Psy muncul di layar penonton udah pada heboh banget.

PSY - Right Now

Adegan munculnya PSY di panggung E.P.I.C B.A.N.G.E.T! Semua lighting menyorot ke tengah, all eyes on him and he stole the spotlight in one go! Intro Right Now langsung menggema. 

This opening song is superb! Sangat bisa bikin pumped up! Kalo denger chorus-nya bawaannya pengen lari sekenceng2nya. Tapi karena ga bisa, akhirnya lompat2 aja di tempat.

Baru lagu pertama aja, Psy udah gila banget. He moved all parts of his body and made sure we all did the same thing! 

Lari dari ujung ke ujung, joget bareng para dancer dengan energi yang sama as if dia ga sambil nyanyi, padahal sambil nyanyi dan berinteraksi sama penonton. Alhasil baru lagu pertama sekujur tubuhnya udah basah keringetan.

Tapi itu ga menurunkan semangatnya sama sekali.

Gw sangat salut!

“Please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Psy this is my third time visiting Singapore and I gotta tell you this, whenever I’m visiting this country I see the miracle which is anyone of you don’t know anything about the lyrics, but you seem like you understand the lyrics. I AM PSY HOW ARE WE DOING TONIGHT, SINGAPORE??!!”

Deafening cheers all over the stadium~

“Usually when we do the show on Saturday and Sunday, honestly and usually Saturday audience is more energetic and powerful, but I don’t know why, I see the exception today! Because you know what, we don’t usually get this crazy on Sunday, this is not an easy thing, so wow!”

Crowd cheering out loud!

“Yeah, everybody seems very surprised, yes, because when you see me face to face I know I look skinnier than on TV. A lot of people is like ‘wow, he’s not that much, you know?’”


Dia masih sempet2nya bikin lomba adu teriak antar section. 

“Okay, it seems like everybody's applauding, everybody's screaming and dancing, but honestly some of them are like selfish and they are saving his body, especially second floor and third floor, you’re not really jumping!

So, I wanna see first floor, second floor and third floor, I wanna see which section is the most energetic of Singapore, so let’s figure out!


-loud cheering-

“Okay, now second floor, it looks like they’re standing up right now but they’re actually sitting down, so MAKE SOME NOISE NOW SECOND FLOOR!”

And it keeps repeating until he’s satisfied.


PSY – Entertainer

This song is also a hidden gem. Seru banget! 

Kalo lo ga lompat2 pas denger lagu ini, berarti ada yang salah sama sistem pendengaran lo. Hahahaha~

Lagu ini cukup berkesan buat gw karena back in 2011, Psy was performing with Dara. Si kakak mau aja diajak gila2an sama Psy. hahahaha

Sebenernya judul lagu ini ada yang bilang Entertainer, ada yang bilang Celebrity. Karena Bahasa Korea kalo diterjemahin artinya suka beda-beda~  

Lyrics wise and performance wise, this song says everything about PSY basically. 

On stage, Psy is not only a singer/rapper, he is also:

- an orator

- a comedian

- an actor

- a dancer

- a motivator

- a big brother

- a friend

Or basically, a true entertainer.

Mad, mad respect.

PSY – Champion

“So, let’s be honest, those two songs comin in, you’re gonna enjoy, but that’s not my ability, that’s the song’s ability. So from now on, I’m gonna sing a song, and this song you never heard this song, and the lyrics you’re never gonna get it. But you’re gonna be happy, that’s why I’m gonna show my ability.

So this song is called Champion, no, don’t act like you know the song! Hahaha... It's okay..."


"So this song is about you and about me and about us, who’s enjoying, energizing, on fire and what so ever, whoever that is champion, so if I test my mic to you, you’re gonna say ‘champion’ out loud, not to me, but to yourself, am I clear with that?

So from now on, I need everybody in this building, make a real job, make a real jump, not for me but to yourself, so that tomorrow morning you’re not gonna regret with anything. You will using your all energy from now on. Alright, here we go: CHAMPION!”

And then it slayed, just like that. This song deserves a legendary label on it, just like Gangnam Style.

The message within the lyrics is so strong.

Ah gw lupa bilang, di setiap performance, ada subtitle bahasa Inggris di layar. Jadi kita bisa ngerti apa yang dia nyanyiin. I strongly recommend any Korean act, or whatever act, who is not using English in their song, to put subtitle too. It works a lot, you know. Membantu sekali dalam memahami maksud di balik setiap lagu. :)

PSY – Father

Dibanding yang lain, Father ini less-dancing dan less hype. Tapi di lagu ini Psy nunjukin skill menyanyinya.

Di speech awal sebelum nyanyi, dia bilang lagu ini buat semua ayah yang ada di Singapore, termasuk ayah dari semua yang menonton dia malam ini.

Gw pun langsung teringat bokap gw saat itu. How thankful I am to have a father like him. I’m having so much fun here in Singapore it’s all thanks to him to be honest. So I feel really attached to the song.

I love you, aboji.

And thank you Psy, to remind me of that. :)

PSY - It's Art

“The next song is called An Art, and it’s about an art. What I describe an art about in that song is like our situation, we don’t know each other, and we are from different countries and different cultures and different languages, different thoughts, different concerns, and we just met, happened to meet in this place and we don’t know anything about the lyrics, and song and anything else. BUT, we forget about our concerns, our anger, and we’re just happy like children, that’s why I’m doing this job, so everybody, your taste and your feeling at this moment is an art.”


Well said. :)

His forewords are always beautiful!

The way he engaged the crowd n the content of his speech is just captivating.

He speaks as if he’s our friend and thank God for his English!

Can’t imagine he’s speaking in Korean, we prolly has slept during the translation.

PSY - Gentleman

PSY - Gangnam Style

After Champion, Entertainer, Right Now, Father drained all our emotions, Gentleman dan Gangnam Style seakan cuma jadi formalitas aja. Bahwa Psy di sana, bahwa Psy tampil, kurang afdol kalo ga ada Gentleman dan Gangnam Style, so here they are.

Setelah nonton stage-nya Psy gw jadi ngerti kenapa bayaran dia mahal banget, kenapa dengan ikut sertanya dia di YGFC, Lee Hi, AKMU dan Team B ga bisa ikut, kenapa dia ditaro paling belakang padahal sebagian besar yang dateng adalah fans BigBang, kenapa stage-nya dia paling lama, kenapa dia udah jarang stay di Korea dan memfokuskan diri berkarier di US dan sekitarnya…

That night Psy was basically shitting on everyone in YGFC. BigBang, 2NE1, dll jadi ga ada apa2nya dibanding Psy. It’s totally a mindfuck. Your mind that has already blown away because of BigBang and the others, once Psy came out and did his thing, you be like “FUCK BIGBANG! GIVE ME PSY ONLY AND THIS EXPENSIVE TICKET IS ALREADY WORTH IT!”

Another thing yang bikin gw salut adalah PSY tuh kalo bikin lagu dipikir banget ya. Bukan sembarang lagu yang enjoyable/buat seneng2. But it's actually a song that has an impact. Kalo lo telaah dari liriknya yang tercermin juga dari stage act-nya, banyak lho kritik sosial yang dia masukin ke lagunya. Like if you think Gangnam Style is all about that horseriding dance, you are so wrong, there is a bigger picture behind the song and basically in every song Psy has made. We're just too lazy to figure it out.

In the live performance, Psy is kind enough to always tells us about it. About the meaning behind every song. Something that I think every musician should do every time they have a chance to interact with the audience/fans: to speak their mind that later comes out with the music. Music should be honest and expressive. Not many musician understand this true nature of music unluckily.

In conclusion, Psy is that dope.

All this contentment after watching him performing is just unexpected.

And to be able to watch his live performance is not only a blessing, but also an honor. He’s indeed the entertainer of our century.

We should be proud of his existence.

Thank you, Psy.

You bring joy to us.

Thank you so much.

(to be continued)

My Story from YG Family 2014 Galaxy Tour: Power in Singapore - Part 4

And now we have collaboration stages!

CL & G-Dragon - The Baddest Female + M.T.B.D

Absolutely my fave! Two baddest females in Kpop. Nappeun Gizibe feat. Nappeun Benconge! HAHAHAHA~~

GD stan, sorry banget ya gw selalu menyebut idola kalian bencong… Abisnya… GD tuh… suka ga bisa mengontrol kebencongannya… kkk…

Anyway I still have mad respect for him, despite all of his bencongness. Don’t worry, your oppa is still the best in the industry I admit that. Peace! :)

G-Dragon – Crayon

Salty. Harusnya stage ini dia bawain sama Seungri. G-Dragon dan V-Dragon. Dengan GD membawakannya sendirian, stage ini jadi biasa aja. Ya secara gw udah pernah liat di konser GD taun lalu. Pass~

T.O.P ft. Mino & Dara - Doom Dada

Nyehehehehe~ This probably my second fave. Ada kakak dan Mino. TOP-nya jadi bonus aja. hehehe… Kakak sebagai pemanis menghibur banget di awal-awal, walaupun part-nya sampah banget. hahaha~

Terus disambung Mino yang really doing a great job rapping TOP-style. But again we are all distracted by his look. Hihihi~

TOP is as flawless as always. His rap is clean and structured. No complain on this one. Thumbs up!

Daesung & Seungyoon - Ugly (by 2NE1)

These two powerful vocals stunned me by their performance. No complain on this one too.

Gw bukan bias Daesung/Kang Seung Yoon jadi gw murni menikmati suara mereka selama perform. Tapi temen2 gw, ternyata ngebias mereka, Putri bias Daesung, Bone bias Daesung+KSY. Mereka memperhatikan hal lain dari Dae+KSY.

Berikut perbincangan mereka selama stage ini berlangsung yang berhasil gw ngupingin.

Putri: Bon, lo merasa Daesung makin jelek ga sih??


Putri: Iya-iya!!! Mukanya juga gemukan gitu! apa dioperasi ya???
Bone: Dioperasi kok makin jelek??? Kasian amat!
Putri: Huhuhu Daesung…

Setelah gw perhatiin, emang bener sih, mukanya Daesung kayak orang abis ditonjokin gitu, jadi bengkak. Kayak swollen faces gitulah. Makanya ngeduetin dia sama KSY yang gantengnya tingkat dewa sebenernya ironis sih. Kkk…

Tapi gw ga percaya kalo Daesung dioperasi. Paling kecapean aja, kan abis tur di Jepang juga tu anak. Kurang istirahat aja paling.

Epik High & Taeyang - Eyes, Nose, Lips


Kayanya cover Eyes, Nose, Lips Tablo di YouTube emang sefenomenal itu ya, sampe YG pada akhirnya masukin lagu ini ke setlist YGFC. Ah, emang fenomenal sih si forget-a-promenade- let’s-juggernaut-down-memory-lane ini.

Now I got to see it LIVE! YEAY!

Tapi sayang, Tablo cuma bawain 1st verse aja. Sisanya Taeyang~ Ah, ga nampol~

But Tablo sounds as desperate and depressed as it should. Lagunya kan lagu cowok depresi ga bisa ngelupain cewek gitu dan suara Tablo berhasil mengantarkan message itu di 1st verse yang dia nyanyiin.

Epik High & Park Bom – UP

So Eyes, Nose, Lips was the opening for the second leg of Epik High’s performance that night. Out of nowhere, our funny ahjussi(s) got up the stage once again and KILL US, like literally KILL US, with fierce rap and blasting sound that is UP!

Bomie unnie featuring di sini and it was fantastic! Seru banget pas bagian chorus, Bom ikutan joget! LOL~ Semua pada ngikutin gerakan marching mereka pas ngomong “Up! Up! Baby get up! Up! We’re going up!” termasuk gw~ hehehe

Epik High - Don't Hate Me

Ini juga ga kalah seru! Lagu ahjussi-menolak-tua ini emang ga ada matinya! Everytime I listen to this I feel so young and alive. Tablo cs going all rebellious and naughty, got us all jump and go crazy! DAEBAK!

 BIGBANG - I Love You (by 2NE1)

Nyehehehe~ To be able to witness BigBang in their utmost ultimate bencongness probably a blessing in disguise.

We’re so blessed.

(to be continued)