Friday, September 25, 2015


hi, guys! how y’all doin?

so 2015 has been a very miserable year for me so far.

gatau ya, gw merasa sepanjang 2015 hidup gw miserable banget~ dikit2 galau~ 

di awal taun udah galau kerjaan, resign or not resign. terus abis ulang taun menuju pertengahan taun, galau status, sorta suffering from acute loneliness. second half of the year galau keuangan, sekarang lagi galau masa depan~

ini kayaknya dampak quarter life crisis gw yang telat deh. harusnya quarter life crisis gw taun lalu, tapi taun lalu tepat sebulan setelah ulang taun langsung ketemu 2NE1, jadi crisis-nya langsung terlupakan and that moment pretty much slayed my 2014, jadi sampai akhir taun pun gw hepi2 aja~

so yeah, akhirnya dampak itu baru gw rasain sekarang, and it really really sucks~ mau ngapa2in berasa salah gitu, like every decision i make is always wrong and i have no idea how to set it right~ i keep escaping every problem, even though i know it’ll become worse someday~

di tengah segala misery yang gw alami itu, i decided to take action. ga bisa nih, terus2an kayak gini~ akhirnya gw memutuskan untuk melihat kembali resolusi 2015 yang pernah gw bikin~

thank God gw pernah upload di blog, karena kertas aslinya udah gw sobek n buang saking madesunya hidup gw~ T.T

there you go~

gw scan list di atas dan masya Allah kok madesu semua ya?

learn new language? yeah right~ english aja masih belepotan, mau belajar bahasa lain~

read books? duh~ speak to your hand-lah, Ta! YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO READ BOOK! Let alone plural~ 

travel minimum 2 places? pfft~ how funny~ it’s almost october and the farthest you’ve ever traveled this year is to ICE-BSD~ what a loser~ 

like none of these things actually make sense gitu kalo dipikir2~ how come i was so unrealistic??! geez~

but then, ada satu yang masih punya harapan untuk diwujudkan.

"buy a macbook"

it’s very risky though, considering i don’t have much money and there will be a lot of expenses in the following months. 

but i really do need it. my old laptop is beyond helpless, and i got this feeling if i buy it, it will sorta cure my “galau masa depan” just by thinking about awesome things i can do with it in the future.

but still… it’s too pricey~~ i’ll be in a long-term broke-ness if i decided to buy it~

but then i remembered what putri told me regarding this when i asked her for suggestion :

“kalo lo mikirnya bokek terus, ga bakalan kebeli selama-lamanya. lo jangan ngeliat dari berapa banyak uang yang lo keluarin buat dapetin ini. mending lo anggap ini sebagai reward buat diri lo sendiri. you’ve worked hard. you deserve nothing but the best.”





akhir agustus kemarin gw, ditemani bokap dan cuprit, pergi ke iBox - Grand Galaxy Mall, Bekasi. mantap buat beli laptop. sempet in torn antara Air atau Pro, karena dengan beda harga cuma beberapa ratus ribu, Pro punya specs lebih menjanjikan~ 

but there’s something about Air that got me. it was like, it chose me~ 

you know in harry potter they said the wand chooses the wizard, right? 

it sorta happened like that~

waktu gw pegang Air, langsung kayak ada chemistry gitu~ tangan gw langsung nempel ga mau dilepas, jantung gw degdegan, terus ada angin berhembus mistis~ *apa sih

LOL~ but seriously~

that moment on i know it is the one.


WELCOME TO THE FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gosh she’s so beautiful! 

and very cool too!


it feels sooo good to finally have it!!!

putri was right, this is a reward for myself. i deserve this. :”)

everytime i look at her (suddenly becomes female, rite???), gw bawaannya pengen langsung speech a la Seungri waktu Strong Baby menang music show beberapa taun lalu.

“I wanna thank myself *sob* *sob* for working so hard for the past three years *sob* *sob* without getting sick, without giving up…”


so uhm… as you all know it’s been a habit for me to name my gadgets. dan seperti orangtua yang memberi nama anaknya, tentunya gw pengen nama gadget gw spesial, dalam artian punya arti yang bagus, jadi ga sekedar nama doang.

icydk, i named my SAMSUNG S4 Mini: Sandara. kalo lo pernah liat hape gw, di case-nya gw bedazzled bling-bling huruf S, that stands for Sandara, bukan Seeta. kenapa Sandara? well, becoz she’s very pretty! like literally so so so pretty, kalo gw namain bukan Sandara kayaknya ada yang salah aja gitu. gw inget pas beli Sandara sekitar 2 taun lalu, gw in torn antara iPhone 5 atau SAMSUNG S4 Mini. dari segi specs iPhone jelas menang, tapi specs-nya S4 pun ga jauh beda sebenernya. akhirnya di usaha seleksi terakhir, gw ngebandingin dari segi visual dan damn S4 slayed. jauh lebih cantik kemana2 deh. so yeah, since SAMSUNG dari Korea dan gw Blackjack, it only made sense to name her Sandara.

and then i have Eve, my iPad mini. gw namain Eve bukan karena barangnya gw beli malem2. Eve di sini adalah tokoh Eve dalam film Wall-E (2008). you know her, rite? that super hi-tech robot whose directive is to locate vegetation on Earth and verify habitability, and soon to be Wall-E’s girlfriend. well, the first time i saw this iPad, it reminded me of her. her glossy black body, so slick and lookin fierce and super stylish. so that’s it, i named it after her. 

so how about this Air? what should i name her?

you know, i really like the name Jess. not Jessica. just Jess. i twitted about it couple months ago:

i’m almost convinced to name her Jess. remember when i shared to you the story about Miss J? that smart and vocal Blackjack from the US? well, Miss J’s real name is Jess. and if you remember, i told you guys that i looked up this very person a lot becoz she’s so smart, critical, realistic, honest, up to date, etc.. 

lemme quote some of my opinion about her from last year’s post:

“... opininya dia selalu bagus2, selalu keep up with the trend, ngerti musik, ngerti fashion, ngerti internet, ngerti social media, ngerti 2NE1, not to mention dia orang US, New York lebih tepatnya, jadi bisa berbahasa Inggris. So many people could relate with her tweets. Selain 2NE1 related, Miss J ini juga ngerti how entertainment industry goes. Dia punya nalar yang bagus akan sesuatu, jadi dia bisa predict kesuksesan sebuah project entertainment. Dia juga lucu. Selera humornya khas cewek Amrik banget, jadi kadang2 bisa dodol banget omongannya. Apalagi kalo udah ngomongin kedodolan 2NE1, udah deh, golden banget Miss J ini.”

this may sound pathetic but Miss J is actually everything i wish myself to be.

there i said it.

i envy her at the same time i respect her and i wish i were her.


so yeah becoz of my mad "love" to Miss J, i decided to name my Air, Jess. in the hope that she will be as smart as her, and she’ll help me to be awesome like Miss J. 

and uhm… one more story to share, when i was little, i had a friend named Jessica. we were bestfriend and i did look up to her a lot too back then becoz she was smart, good at sport, head of the class, every teacher liked her, well basically like the Koreans said, she was 엄친딸 (eom-chin-ddal), which means “my mom’s friend’s daughter.” or a person who is more successful or skilled than you – that kind of person your mother would compare you to in a negative light.

our friendship was short, but the time we spent together is definitely one of the best moment in my childhood. 

so i wish this Jess will be my bestfriend too. we will travel together a lot in the future, creating memory or even history, she'll give me a company when i’m lonely, help me with my boredom, and hopefully, she will not leave me until the time has come for it.

so, welcome to the family dear Jess, together you and i will do awesome things, so be nice to me, okay??? IRLY <3>

oh, one more thing: postingan ini juga sekaligus menjawab kenapa font/layout beberapa postingan terakhir berantakan. well, i’ve been using Jess to blog lately, dan gw belom beli Office 365 for Mac coz i’m broke af~ jadi gw ngetik pake Pages and the damn thing ga bisa autocaps and the text always turns weird when i copy-paste to Blogger~ X(

sabar aja ya, guys. mudah2an bulan oktober gw udah punya pemasukan tambahan buat beli Office~ LOL~ 


jess chillin with cuprit

Thursday, September 17, 2015

My IELTS Class: The Invincible Pupils of Michael ❤

quick post! lemme introduce you to my new family!

my "home" for the last 2 weeks

so, seperti yang sudah pernah gw bilang di postingan ini, selama september gw ambil cuti di luar tanggungan sebulan (unpaid leave T.T). adapun alasan gw cuti adalah… i’m going back to school!!!

hehe~ it’s not really school tho, lebih tepatnya gw ambil ielts course untuk persiapan tes ielts yang sesungguhnya. 

ngapain lo tes ielts, ta? ya ngapain lagi~ tentu saja untuk memenuhi persyaratan aplikasi beasiswa paling mainstream di indonesia itu~ wkwkwk~

lo les dimana? IALF-Kuningan.

kenapa di sana? direkomendasiin sama Wendah (temen SMA) dan Dinda (Kom 07), dua cewek kece itu udah berhasil mendapatkan beasiswa yang sedang gw incar juga, setelah les di IALF. so i’m sorta following their path, hopefully it’ll lead me to the same destination. :) 

so yeah, i took ielts class. i’m using past tense coz the class is already over. it was only two weeks long, an intensive 8 hours a day class, pretty much as long as regular school, that’s why i always reckon it as school.


so these guys are my classmates!

you know, awalnya gw ga expect akan dapet banyak temen baru or even membangun pertemanan di ielts course ini. i was not expecting any kinds of friendship with those guys.

dalam pikiran gw waktu itu, kelas yang akan gw masuki ini akan sangat kaku, dalam artian murid2nya akan sangat individualis, ga peduli sekitar, dateng cuma buat belajar, bukan untuk bersosialisasi, dan orientasinya cuma nilai. 

kenapa gw berpikiran seperti itu? mostly because i’m one of them. hahaha~ jujur aja ketika sign up buat course ini, tujuan gw cuma satu: memaksimalkan pelajaran yang gw dapet supaya band score ielts gw minimal 8. kalo harus jadi nerd, jadi nerd-lah. kalo harus antisosial, antisosial-lah. kalo harus jadi single fighter, jadi single fighter-lah~

gw ga peduli lingkungan sekitar (khususnya temen sekelas) gw gimana. kalo mereka ga bisa membantu gw meraih tujuan gw itu, atau malah jadi obstacle di tengah jalan, ya buat apa dijadiin temen~

second, well what do you expect with only two weeks long of togetherness? i mean, course itu ga murah, untuk 50 jam course intensif, harganya 4,1 juta. pastinya setiap orang yang sign up course itu udah punya tujuan di kepala mereka. ga mungkin menyia-nyiakan uang segitu banyaknya cuma buat iseng kan?

third, the class will consist of MANY kinds of people~ seriously, MANY MANY kinds of people. segala usia, latar belakang, karakteristik, asal usul, dll. therefore, i have to be extra careful in selecting which one i wanna friends with, which i can’t, coz it’s only two weeks, i got ielts to worry about, i can’t give shit to something as trivial as this, it will waste my time~

lagian, untuk bisa menjalin pertemanan dengan mereka akan membutuhkan waktu yang saaaangat panjang. ga bakal keburu kalo cuma 2 minggu doang.

eh tapi ternyata eksekusinya lebih mudah dari yang gw bayangkan. kelas pertama di hari pertama, kita langsung disuruh bikin grup sama teacher-nya, grup itu dimaksudkan untuk melatih speaking skill kita untuk speaking test. 

lo tau ga speaking test-nya ielts kayak gimana? it’s a freakin kepo conversation. examiner (penguji) akan kepo banget nanya2 hal2 pribadi lo, kayak keluarga, tempat tinggal, hobi, dll.

ketika disatuin dalam grup dan diminta role playing ganti2an jadi examiner dan peserta ielts, dalam sekejap kita jadi tau latar belakang masing2 dan kenapa mereka ambil les ini. 

dari situlah gw mengetahui ternyata banyak yang background-nya mirip sama gw, misalnya:
  • sama2 lulusan UI, tapi beda angkatan/fakultas walaupun ga jauh2 amat bedanya.
  • sama2 angkatan 2007, tapi beda kampus.
  • sama2 anak bekasi, wkwkwkwk~~~
  • sama2 ngefans sama beyonce, skrillex, dll… *LOL*
ada juga yang senasib sepenanggungan: 
  • sama2 resign (or unpaid leave/break) dari kantor buat ikut kelas ini
  • sama2 ngejar beasiswa yang sama, dengan deadline pengumpulan aplikasi yang sama pula
  • sama2 ngincer band score 6.5, untuk memenuhi persyaratan beasiswa tersebut
  • sama2 ngincer kuliah di ****** (yang ini masih sangat confidential, belakangan aja gw kasih taunya ya~ :P)
  • sama2 masih payah english-nya, hahahahaha~~ seriously!!! gw tuh selalu merasa english gw lumayan, ya level mediocre sih lewatlah. but then, when i entered this class, it was solely proven that my english STILL SUCKS SO BAD~ LOL~ english gw levelnya masih IndoGlish alias Indonesian-English~ jauuuhh banget dari native american english. suprisingly, these guys do too!!! biar pun dari kecil tinggal di luar, kuliah S1, S2, S3, S4, S5 sampai kerja di luar juga, juara debat bahasa inggris internasional, ga ngaruh!!! IndoGlish juga tuh keluarnya kalo ngomong~ so it feels like being in the same class with a bunch of Seungri~ wkwkwk~~

by the end of the class, one of the guys had initiave to create whatsapp group, so that we could exchange information, not only about the ielts, but also about the scholarship, universities, edu fair, visa, etc. 

and that’s it, we became pretty close in one day. 

bener2 ga nyangka deh kalo kita bakalan akrab secepat itu. kalo lagi ngobrol bareng tuh nggak keliatan kayak orang yang baru kenal beberapa hari~ tapi kayak orang yang udah temenan lama aja.

padahal kita tuh sekelas bener2 beda banget background-nya. ada yang dari teknik, ekonomi, politik, akuntansi, hukum, psikologi, kedokteran, dll…

temen2 sekelas gw mostly science peeps, teknik A, teknik B, teknik C~ ada yang udah S2 mau S3, atau Ph.D. SICK BANGET YA? XD

buat gw ini menyenangkan banget, karena terakhir sekelas sama anak2 IPA itu hampir 10 taun yang lalu pas SMA~ sejak kuliah mainnya sama anak2 IPS mulu~~ T.T

and damn man, science people are veryyy sexy! kalo mereka udah ngomongin ke-IPA-IPA-annya, beuhhh~~ i’m slayed~~ 

makin nyesel gw ninggalin IPA~ i lost golden opportunity to be as sexy as them~ :p

anyway, soal umur juga macem2, ada yang masih muda remaja belia, baru lulus kuliah lagi nyari kerja, udah kerja beberapa taun, udah jadi bos besar, dll. tadinya gw udah takut bakal sekelas sama bocah2, and i was indeed one of the oldest students there, but thank God gw bukan yang paling tua~ XD 

hal lain yang membuat kita cepat akrab adalah IALF is a very homie place. tempat lesnya bikin betah banget, kalo udah masuk, lo ga akan mau keluar. hahaha~ 

seriously, karena makanan sekitar gedung ga ada yang enak (kalo mau yang enak harus nyebrang halte busway dulu terus ke setiabudi one), kita jadi males keluar dan memutuskan bawa bekal tiap hari buat dimakan di COMMON ROOM (ala2 Hogwarts gitu), yang biasa dipake buat makan/kongkow. 

banci-banci common room :p 

jadi rutinitas tiap hari itu ketika break makan siang, kita ke common room buat makan dan bersenda gurau. hahaha~ i mean like ngobrol2 cantiklah, getting to know each other. terus setiap ada break di tengah pelajaran (biar otak ga panas), kita juga ke common room buat bikin teh/kopi biar ga ngantuk, terus ngobrol2 lagi deh.

it didn’t take much time until i remember all of their names. paling hari kedua atau ketiga gitu udah hapal nama+muka semuanya, sekaligus background-nya juga. 

so yeah, dua minggu les berjalan dengan sangat menyenangkan. gw bener2 merasakan kembali serunya sekolah, enaknya belajar sama temen-temen di kelas, becanda sama mereka, berinteraksi sama the teachers (shoutout to Roz and Michael! you guys are awesome! thank you!!!)~

with Roz

with Michael

terus juga ngerasain ribetnya bikin pe er tiap malem, sama after-class session di common room sambil ngeteh/ngekopi cantik ditemani biskuit2 lucu a la British tea party, atau di hangout perpus yang wacananya “latihan speaking” tapi kenyataannya malah curhat2an ga jelas in broken english, hahahaha~~

one thing i like the most from these guys: they are sooo supportive!

masing2 dari kita ambil ielts test di tanggal dan institusi yang beda2. ada yang duluan, ada yang belakangan. tapi ga ada kompetisi, kita semua saling mendukung, saling menguatkan, kayak ngerti each other gitu kalo persoalan ielts ini penting banget buat masing2. we’re continuously fixing each other flaws, sharing anything that could be shared, like experience, do’s and don’ts, etc… 

sabtu besok (19/09), gw akan ielts test. doakan ya!!!! band score 8 amieennn!!!! temen2 ini gw ga henti2nya ngasih semangat, moral support, dll…ah pokoknya kece bangetlah anak2 kelas gw~ ga ada duanya~ i can not ask for better classmates! <3

per 11 Sept kemarin, kelasnya berakhir. T.T

tapi minggu ini beberapa dari kita masih ketemuan buat belajar bareng di perpus. 

setelah tanggal 19, gw ga yakin bisa ke IALF lagi since i got so much to do~ this means, it’s a very small chance that i could meet these guys again~~

one thing for sure i will miss them a lot~~ T.T

mudah2an someday in the future bisa ngumpul bareng lagi ya, guys! semoga grup whatsapp Michael’s Pupils dengan tagline “Michael’s Rules should be implemented here :))” tetap hidup, dan semoga yang ngincer beasiswa diterima semuaaa~~ amieennn~~ 

sooo… see you when i see you, guys!!! good luck for everything!!! thank you for the short-but-awesome classmateship dear Rika, Rahma, Wendi, Stephanie, Asyifa, Ray, Riyan, Bayu, Tama, Erland, Fitri, Kara, Meki and Idrus! <3

ps: kalo ada yang mau nanya soal les ielts di IALF, japri aja ya. mention aja di twitter, nanti gw DM. males jelasin di sini, kesannya gw di-endorse buat promosi~ :p

Saturday, September 5, 2015

[Beyonce's B'day Edition] - SEETA’S PICK: TOP 20 BEYONCE’S SONGS

A photo posted by Lescha Mayseeta (@seetalesch) on

hi, guys! how y’all doin?

i feel like making a quick post to celebrate beyonce’s birthday, hope you guys don’t mind. 

this woman contributes huge impact to my life, i love her so much, probably the second woman i love the most after my mom. :p

okay, here we go.

i’ve been knowing beyonce since she was still in destiny’s child. how did i know her existence? prolly the same way as how i knew britney, xtina, missy, etc.. that was by watching MTV. 

about destiny’s child, i had always had my eyes on their lead singer, beyonce because she’s sooo pretty. she can sing and dance pretty well too. not that i didn’t like kelly and michelle, but there was something about beyonce that was exceeded the others. something very very special, a huge potential. 

fyi, i was a big fan of britney back then, i was so britney-minded i had a tendency to compare every female acts to her. when beyonce and destiny’s child came out, i did compare them to britney. even though britney’s music was more easily accepted for my ears, i couldn’t deny that these black girls were far more talented than her. richer vocal range, better vocal technique, more unique voice color, and sounded even better if live. when destiny’s child’s started to harmonize, it gave me life every time. 

i started to like most of their songs, Independent Women, Bootylicious, Survivor, Emotion, Say My Name, I Will Survive, you name it. their songs were probably my very first introduction to R&B, which after that, became my favorite music genre of all time. 

but as much as i was rooting for destiny’s child, i couldn't really fangirl them. they never got much exposures in media. that was obviously because of the racism issues which were very sensitive back then. my fangirling activity for destiny’s child was so limited. while britney was slaying here and there, destiny’s child were come and go, often locked down and forgotten.

couple years later, this woman, beyonce stood for everyone as she went solo in 2004. she released a debut album, Dangerously In Love with major single Crazy In Love. first time I watched the music video on MTV, i was hooked. the music gave me a whole new experience. I suddenly knew every word and was singing it like it was a gospel song.

i remember i begged my mom to buy me her album (in cassette form) even though i only listened to that one particular song. long story short, i got my album and it slayed my entire existence just like that. and from that moment on, i officially became a Beyhive. 

not long after that, the internet generation happened. i started to take my fangirl activity seriously. i searched up anything about beyonce and found out many incredible things that the media failed to tell me. 

this woman had begun her career since 15 years old (that was even earlier than britney). before destiny’s child, she was put in a group called Girl’s Tyme with three other girls. the group performed in several talent shows and later signed a contract with Columbia Records. but they didn’t make it in the industry. 

then she continued with destiny’s child, struggling and hustling until their mega hit, Independent Women blew out and became the soundtrack of famous movie, Charlie’s Angel. that’s when people start to recognize them. 

that got me thinking, while britney’s career was so smooth and obstacle free, it was so hard for bey and the girls to make their name out there. 

with her debut, bey actually paved way for another black female artist to shine and have a career in pop scene. Dangerously In Love had so many accomplishments that the people started to appreciate black female artists more. following her success, rihanna debuted in 2006 and succeeded. years later, nicki minaj debuted, also succeeded. 

bey continued to releases more album. in bey’s logic, more albums means more grammy. now with 5 albums in store, she is the most nominated woman in grammy history, with a total of 20 awards and 53 nominations from the grammys for her music (as a solo artist and with destiny’s child).

one thing i like the most about bey's music is that they always evolves. she always introduces us to new sounds and new style of singing in every album. she never fails to make us desperately curious: how her new music will sound? yes, beyonce's music is always that mysterious.

in Dangerously In Love she went all R&B, dance and soul. the album was like a statement, that she was ready to compete in the industry and wanted people to recognize her talent. on second album, B’Day, she was experimenting styles like funk, hip hop and R&B that were popular during the 1970s-80s. 

then her third album, I Am… Sasha Fierce, in which she tried folk and alternative rock in some of the songs, became one of the most successful albums in her career. then we have 4, an intimate album in which she explored more of her ballad sides, shaded everyone who doubted her singing ability. lastly, her self-titled fifth album, Beyonce, is the bible of current pop music.

music aside, i love bey because she genuinely cares about her fans and always tries to make them not only happy, but also immensely proud of her. she never disappoints, always gives us the best which makes Beyhive arguably the strongest, proudest, and classiest fandom ever existed because we are stanning the greatest. 

bey is a proud feminist and isn’t afraid to express herself, from her lyrics to her fierce self-image, she makes women all over the world feel strong and motivated.

bey is one hell of a performer. her voice is no different from the recording to the live version. her dance is for nobody to try out. her stage presence, stage command and charisma never fail to bring the house down. when it comes to live performing, no one fucks with her. she kills the stage every time, creating history every fucking time.

even though she has succeeded on her own, she still has a pride in where she came from. beyonce never forgets her hometown, Houston, and the girls whom she began her career with. she always gives shoutouts to kelly and michelle whenever she performed.

unlike many celebrities, she is very private about her personal life. she’s never thirsty about fame and never let any media exposes her personal life. bey is always in complete control of how much exposure she wants to show us about her private life. if she wants us to know something, she tells us herself. her image is just the way she creates it.

most of all, i find myself highly motivated by Beyonce. i become a feminist after listening to her song and seeing her hard work makes me want to work as hard as humanly possible to the best me I can be. 

thank you, beyonce. and happy birthday. keep slaying. 

anyway, if you guys never listen to beyonce’s music, i made you a playlist right here. if you wanna be a Beyhive, you can always start from here. 

  1. Crazy In Love
  2. Flawless
  3. Diva
  4. Run The World
  5. Dance For You
  6. Partition
  7. Pretty Hurts
  8. Sweet Dream
  9. End Of Time
  10. Dangerously In Love
  11. Drunk In Love
  12. Love On Top
  13. Halo
  14. Single Ladies
  15. Irreplaceable
  16. If I Were a Boy
  17. Me, Myself, and I
  18. XO
  19. Best Thing I Never Had
  20. Countdown
want me to make it 25? okay then, here you go:

21. Check On It
22. 1+1
23. Deja Vu
24. Baby Boy
25. Jealous

Happy #Beyday! :)))