Hai! Hai! Hai!
I told you i’m gonna blog again some times before March over!
This is it!
Kali ini gw mau share 3 video klip yang recently gw tonton.
Err.. uhmm.. kalo lo bukan penggemar YouTube dan Simple Plan gw ga menyarankan untuk terusin baca sih, soalnya ga bakalan ngerti. ;p
Fine, if you decide to read, go on then. :)
Fast Car
Awalnya gw sama sekali nggak tau apapun tentang lagu ini sampai suatu ketika gw harus menghapalkan lagu-lagu Kina Grannis untuk keperluan liputan konser. Salah satu lagu yang hitsnya banyak di YouTube, adalah lagu ini, yang dia cover bareng Boyce Avenue.
Pertama kali denger, gw jatuh cinta sama melodinya. Petikan gitarnya lembut dan relaxing banget. Walaupun kuncinya gitu2 doang, tapi ga ngebosenin sama sekali. Dan gw pun mengulang siklus jatuh-cinta pada sebuah lagu.
Kalo gw udah suka pada sebuah lagu, hal pertama yang gw lakukan adalah download lagunya, masukin ke playlist. Terus dengerin tiap hari berulang kali dan coba tangkep gimana liriknya. Kalo masih ga nangkep isi liriknya, baru browsing. Abis itu gw karaoke-in sambil menghapal liriknya. Biasanya sih ga sampe seminggu udah hapal.
Jadi lagu Fast Car ini, udah sampe tahap browsing liriknya dan akhirnya mengetahui fakta bahwa Tracy Chapman adalah musisi senior Amerika yang berkali2 menang Grammy. #Salute. Ia juga terlibat berbagai kegiatan sosial dan kampanye kesehatan anti AIDS. #makinSalute. Fakta bahwa ia seorang lesbian ga menurunkan tingkat kekaguman gw padanya.
Okay enough about her, yang mau gw bahas sekarang adalah lirik lagu Fast Car.
Ga perlu dua kali buat gw memahami isi lagu itu. Makna dibalik liriknya dalem banget, membuat gw langsung berpendapat Tracy Chapman itu jenius. Oke lo baca dulu deh liriknya sambil streaming videonya.
You got a fast car
I want a ticket to anywhere
Maybe we make a deal
Maybe together we can get somewhere
Any place is better
Starting from zero got nothing to lose
Maybe we’ll make something
But me myself I got nothing to prove
You got a fast car
I got a plan to get us out of here
been working at the convenience store
Managed to save just a little bit of money
Won’t have to drive too far
Just cross the border and into the city
You and I can both get jobs
finally see what it means to be living
See my old man’s got a problem
He live with the bottle that’s the way it is
He says his body’s too old for working
his body’s too young to look like his
My mama went off and left him
She wanted more from life than he could give
I said somebody’s got to take care of him
So I quit school and that’s what I did
You got a fast car
Is it fast enough so we can fly away
We gotta make a decision
We leave tonight or live and die this way
so I remember when we were driving,driving in your car
Speed so fast it felt like I was drunk
City lights lay out before us
And your arm felt nice wrapped round my shoulder
And I,I had a feeling that I belonged
And I,I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone
You got a fast car
We go cruising to entertain ourselves
You still ain’t got a job
And I work in the market as a checkout girl
I know things will get better
You’ll find work and I’ll get promoted
We’ll move out of the shelter
Buy a bigger house and live in the suburbs
So I remember when we were driving,driving in your car
speed so fast It felt like I was drunk
City lights lay out before us
And your arm felt nice wrapped round my shoulder
And I,I had a feeling that I belonged
And I,I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone
You got a fast car
I got a job that pays all our bills
You stay out drinking till late at the bar
See more of your friends than you do your kids
I’d always hoped for better
But maybe together you and me'd find it
If you got no plans and ain’t going nowhere
Take your fast car and keep on driving
So I remember when we were driving, driving in your car
speed so fast I felt like I was drunk
City lights lay out before us
And your arm felt nice wrapped round my shoulder
And I,I had a feeling that I belonged
And I,I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone
You got a fast car
But is it fast enough so you can fly away
You gotta make a decision
You leave tonight or live and die this way
I want a ticket to anywhere
Maybe we make a deal
Maybe together we can get somewhere
Any place is better
Starting from zero got nothing to lose
Maybe we’ll make something
But me myself I got nothing to prove
You got a fast car
I got a plan to get us out of here
been working at the convenience store
Managed to save just a little bit of money
Won’t have to drive too far
Just cross the border and into the city
You and I can both get jobs
finally see what it means to be living
See my old man’s got a problem
He live with the bottle that’s the way it is
He says his body’s too old for working
his body’s too young to look like his
My mama went off and left him
She wanted more from life than he could give
I said somebody’s got to take care of him
So I quit school and that’s what I did
You got a fast car
Is it fast enough so we can fly away
We gotta make a decision
We leave tonight or live and die this way
so I remember when we were driving,driving in your car
Speed so fast it felt like I was drunk
City lights lay out before us
And your arm felt nice wrapped round my shoulder
And I,I had a feeling that I belonged
And I,I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone
You got a fast car
We go cruising to entertain ourselves
You still ain’t got a job
And I work in the market as a checkout girl
I know things will get better
You’ll find work and I’ll get promoted
We’ll move out of the shelter
Buy a bigger house and live in the suburbs
So I remember when we were driving,driving in your car
speed so fast It felt like I was drunk
City lights lay out before us
And your arm felt nice wrapped round my shoulder
And I,I had a feeling that I belonged
And I,I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone
You got a fast car
I got a job that pays all our bills
You stay out drinking till late at the bar
See more of your friends than you do your kids
I’d always hoped for better
But maybe together you and me'd find it
If you got no plans and ain’t going nowhere
Take your fast car and keep on driving
So I remember when we were driving, driving in your car
speed so fast I felt like I was drunk
City lights lay out before us
And your arm felt nice wrapped round my shoulder
And I,I had a feeling that I belonged
And I,I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone
You got a fast car
But is it fast enough so you can fly away
You gotta make a decision
You leave tonight or live and die this way
Gw sering ya menghapal lirik berbagai macem lirik lagu tapi belom pernah liat lirik lagu yang maknanya sedalem ini. Rata2 lagu tuh ya temanya spesifik gitu lho, ya love story, move on, broken heart, etc.. Tapi lagu ini liriknya tentang kehidupan. A whole life. Kayak dari awal lo mulai hidup, sekolah, lulus, cari kerja dan ngatur keuangan, cari rumah, jatuh cinta dan dapet pasangan, sampe lo punya anak semuanya diceritain disini. Ini gila banget! Dalam durasi 5 menit, hidup lo (atau hidupnya si Tracy) dijelasin dengan ringkas disini.
So real. That’s happened for most of us. That’s human nature.
Well, mungkin ga di Indonesia sih. Kalo kehidupan orang Indo rata-rata ya sampe bagian ‘Buy a bigger house and live in the suburbs’ dan setelahnya diibaratkan dengan happy ending (or not?). Tapi kalo kehidupan di Amerika yaa.. beneran sampe lagunya selesai.
Bagian yang paling suka dari lagu itu adalah endingnya:
You got a fast car
But is it fast enough so you can fly away
You gotta make a decision
You leave tonight or live and die this way
But is it fast enough so you can fly away
You gotta make a decision
You leave tonight or live and die this way
Saat ‘we’ akhirnya berubah jadi ‘you’, yang menjelaskan bahwa di dunia ini ga ada yang abadi.
Paling pas dengerin lagu ini kalo lagi bengong. Tutup mata deh pas dengerinnya dan rasakan sensasi pikiran lo melayang-layang kemana-mana. I dunno, mungkin lo akan seperti gw, yang melihat sedikit gambaran masa depan ketika larut dalam alunan lirik dan petikan gitarnya.
Agak jauh levelnya dari Fast Car, lagu kedua yang mau gw share adalah Bromance. Pfft~ Apaan tuh, Ta?
Well, harus liat video ini dulu baru tau apa artinya. :)
Intermezzo! Video itu yang membuat gw kenalan sama Jay Park dan memutuskan jadi Jaywalkerz sampe sekarang. :P
Nah, video itu ceritanya ada kelanjutannya:
The Bromance song!!!
Ryan Higa dan Chester See kembali berduet! Kali ini tanpa Kevjumba, either di video maupun lagunya. Instead, ada Sean Fujiyoshi disitu!!
Kyaaaaaaaaa!!!! Seaaaaaannnnn!!!!
Lo pasti bingung gw kenapa.
Ah sudahlah, makanya tadi gw bilang kalo ga ngerti perYouTube-an ga usah terusin baca. Hihihi
Tapi video klip itu KOCAK banget lo setuju dong! Liriknya juga gokil!
Its like Eminem and Dr. Dre
If I loved you more I might be gay
And when I'm feeling down
You know just what to say
You my homie, Yeah you know me
And if you ever need a wingman
I'd let any girl blow me off
Cus you're more important than the rest
I confess, I'm a mess
If I'm not hanging with my BFF
You know its true, you my male boo,
Now sing the chorus with me if you're feeling the same way too.
Bromance, nothing really gay about it
Not, that there's anything wrong with being gay
Bromance, SHouldn't be ashamed or hide it
I love you in the most heterosexual way.
Hold me
To a promise that I"ll be the kind of the friend that in the end
Will always keep you company
Because when the world gets tough
And times get hard
I will always love you, I'll be your bodyguard
Cus you're my bestie, and if you test me
I'll prove it time and time again, I got your back until the end
A brotha from anotha motha never knew how much I loved ya
Till i started singing this song... huh?
Bromance, nothing really gay about it
Not, that there's anything wrong with being gay
Bromance, shouldn't be ashamed or hide it
I love you in the most heterosexual way.
Now that I told you how I feel
Hope you feel the same way too
BUT if you dont, this song was just a joke
BUT if you do, I LOVE YOU
Bromance, nothing really gay about it
Not, that there's anything wrong with being gay
Bromance, shouldn't be ashamed or hide it
I love you in the most heterosexual way.
If I loved you more I might be gay
And when I'm feeling down
You know just what to say
You my homie, Yeah you know me
And if you ever need a wingman
I'd let any girl blow me off
Cus you're more important than the rest
I confess, I'm a mess
If I'm not hanging with my BFF
You know its true, you my male boo,
Now sing the chorus with me if you're feeling the same way too.
Bromance, nothing really gay about it
Not, that there's anything wrong with being gay
Bromance, SHouldn't be ashamed or hide it
I love you in the most heterosexual way.
Hold me
To a promise that I"ll be the kind of the friend that in the end
Will always keep you company
Because when the world gets tough
And times get hard
I will always love you, I'll be your bodyguard
Cus you're my bestie, and if you test me
I'll prove it time and time again, I got your back until the end
A brotha from anotha motha never knew how much I loved ya
Till i started singing this song... huh?
Bromance, nothing really gay about it
Not, that there's anything wrong with being gay
Bromance, shouldn't be ashamed or hide it
I love you in the most heterosexual way.
Now that I told you how I feel
Hope you feel the same way too
BUT if you dont, this song was just a joke
BUT if you do, I LOVE YOU
Bromance, nothing really gay about it
Not, that there's anything wrong with being gay
Bromance, shouldn't be ashamed or hide it
I love you in the most heterosexual way.
So gay? Exactly! Hahaha~ Tapi lucu, gimana dong? :P
Video ini sukses membuat gw nahan ketawa ngakak sampe terkentut2 di kantor. Astaga goblok banget! Adegan favorit gw di detik ... yang si Phil Wang dan gerombolan cowok2 gila menerobos cewek2 itu buat gabung sama Ryan n Chester! Goblok maksimal!!!
Well, setelah mendengarkan lagu ini gw pengen nyampein sesuatu buat semua temen2 cewek gw.
I love you guys, in the most heterosexual way!
Emang YTF tuh ada aja deh kerjaannya. Tapi jenius sih, yang tadinya cuma jadi bahan becandaan, eh sekarang jadi lagu yang musiknya oke.
Hidup YTF! Kapan ke Indonesia? Kina Grannis aja udah lhooo..... :D
Summer Paradise
Kyaaa!! Kyaaa!!! It’s out!!! Simple Plan’s new released MV!!!
Baru tiga jam yang lalu kalo disesuaikan dengan jam ketika gw ngeblog ini!
Senang! Senang! Senang!
Apalagi beberapa minggu terakhir Simple Plan banyak banget ngasih teaser video ini di web dan Twitter mereka. Terus teaser-nya yang bener2 bikin mupengnya nggak sopan banget gitu lho!
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Kenyataan bahwa gw tidak hamil setelah melihat foto ini sungguh sesuatu yang melegakan. |
Gw ngeliatnya kayak documentary mereka selama di Barbados aja, bukan kayak video klip.
Dan gw juga lebih suka lagu Summer Paradise yang versinya K’Naan daripada Sean Paul. Entah yaa...
Ah tapi gapapa, lumayan disitu liat Seb shirtless main gitar dan adegan di 1:12. Hahaha~
Terus gw baru tau gitu Seb punya tato di punggungnya yang nyambung ke perut. What is it, like Dragon? Hmm... Berarti in total Seb punya 3 tato. *manggut-manggut*
And Seb looked really sexy with his blue pants and Oakley black wayfarer!
Shit~ i’m fantasizing!
Catch y’all later, guys! See ya~
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