Saturday, November 29, 2014

Alone Again

Hi, guys. How y’all doin?

If you’re reading this right now, at this very moment, right after I posted this, I can tell that you’re having a miserable Sat night too like me.

My mood isn’t okay today.

I’m alone at home. My family is out to celebrate V’s 14th bday. They decided not to come home and stay at the hotel instead coz they wanna join Car Free Day tomorrow and go straight to my cousin’s house in the afternoon to celebrate another bday.

I don’t like family gathering. At all. Those relatives will always ask me about my job, whether I’m still in the same place or not, and ask me the same old question about me dating. It’s like they will never understand that no matter how many times they ask if I’m dating anyone my answer won’t change. It’s ‘no’.

Fucking annoying. At least the world won’t end if I’m not dating~

I’m also not in a good condition right now. I have two freakishly big sprues in my mouth –which make me difficult to speak and eat- and four zits on my face. How suck.

Anyway, so I decide to stay home. Lazing around, browsing the web trying to find some clues for my near future, sending emails here and there, reading comics and watching YouTube.
I should’ve gone to the gym this afternoon but I’m too lazy to move my ass off the bed. Beside, Pika and Kak Agnes are out of town. I don’t like working out alone, it’s so awkward.

Oh, didn’t I tell you I have signed up for the gym?

I’ll tell you the whole story when my mood is back, yes?

Anyway… So, honestly I don’t know what to write. I only escape to this blog coz I’m running out of comics and YouTube vids. Well, lemme just share some unimportant updates.

I’m pretty busy at work right now coz two big events –which I don’t wanna talk about coz they suck like hell– are coming up in two weeks. So I’m really sorry if you will rarely see this blog updated.

I’m a regular TransJakarta’s passenger right now since the fuel price raised but my salary didn’t. I can’t take the private car anymore coz it’s damn expensive. So busway it is. You can always find me walking (or running most of the time) catching Ragunan-Kuningan’s busway everyday around 9 AM. But I doubt you’ll recognize me coz I’m always wearing a mask. LOL

Anyway I actually survive taking TransJakarta five days in a row this week! *yeay*

Pretty surprising coz in the past I could only survive 2-3 days and then went back to private car. Hopefully I’ll survive the upcoming weeks also! *finger crossed*

I just watched two awesome animation movies this past two weeks: Big Hero 6 and Penguins of Madagascar. They are freaking awesome! I like the originality of both stories, the actions and the moral fiber.

I have new addiction: downloading LINE stickers. Haha~ Coz I just found out it actually can be purchased by mobile payment. No need a credit card. So I purchased some (the cheap ones, creator’s sticker, pretty funny tho) and sending some as gifts also. So much fun! My best purchases so far are Kocchimuite Miiko, Sticker of zombie(E), and Gata-Go & Friends. Damn funny. I like quirky stuffs they made.

I also installed new LINE app, that is LINE selfie. This is pretty fun too. Check out one of my masterpiece:

Anyway my mood suddenly gets better. LOL~ Writing about something we like actually fix your mood. But I have to log off, need to sleep for morning gym. *ugh*


Monday, November 17, 2014

Grace’s Engagement

Hi, guys! How y’all doin?

Yep, seperti yang udah gw ceritain sekilas di postingan ini, Grace is getting married!!! It’ll happen in February and it’s gonna be my COMEBACK STAGE as bridesmaid! Hohoho~ *baru debut udah comeback, macem artis SM aje*

So uhmm.. yang namanya mau married kan tunangan dulu ya, nah kemarin itu Grace tunangan. Tepatnya berlangsung di rumahnya di komplek Binalindung. Rumah kedua gw jaman SMP. LOL~

Anyway, Grace wanted the engagement to be very private, for family only. So, she sincerely apologized becoz not able to invite everyone. Percayalah, gw pun awalnya ga diundang. Setelah gw nangis meraung-raung sambil nuang baygon ke gelas baru deh dibolehin dateng.

But since, undangannya buat family only jadi kemaren gw di-Batak-kan dulu supaya bisa masuk. Alhasil nama gw jadi Leiisshya Mayshyeeitha Purba-Nainggolan. Wkwkwkwk~

Anyway… So, gw ke rumah Grace sekitar jam 10, karena acaranya jam 11. Grace nyuruh gw dateng duluan soalnya tegang. LMAO~ Baiklah.

Pas di jalan baru kepikiran: ini kok gw ke acara tunangan orang ga bawa apa2 ya? Bukannya harusnya bawa kado apa gitu~ Tapi ga sempet beli apa2, akhirnya gw beli cokelat aja 2 biji. Hihihi~ Maafkan aku, Gracie………….

Terus ya, kan awalnya gw nanya sama Grace harus pake baju apa. Dia bilang pake kaos aja. Yowis, gw pake kaos. Seinget gw dulu pas kakak sepupu gw tunangan pun gw datengnya pake kaos. Toh cuma tunangan bukan nikahan, ga formal2 amat gapapalah~

Eh… Pas nyampe di rumahnya… Ternyata... Pada pake batik! Yang pake kaos cuma gw doang!

Deym~ Saltum. Ah sudahlah, toh mempelai wanita yang nyuruh gw pake kaos! *sok bikin excuse*

Anywaaay… So yeah, gw nemenin Grace sampe pertunangan itu terjadi. Hihihi~ Lucu deh Grace nervous. Tepat jam 11, rombongan mempelai pria dateng. Saat itu Grace udah ga ada bentuknya. 

mempelai wanita, tampak samping. (sok) stay cool

Terus kita turun dan prosesi tunangan dimulai. Awalnya perkenalan keluarga dulu. Ini siapa, anaknya siapa, anak ponakan tantenya siapa, adik ipar anaknya om siapa, dll. Abis itu kita makan dulu. Nah, abis makan baru deh tuker cincin. ihiy!

Gw sibuk mendokumentasikan momen pake hape. Tapi sayang gw ga dapet mukanya Grace soalnya posisi berdiri gw ga oke. T.T Kalo gw majuan dikit bisa nutupin om n tantenya Grace. Since gw tamu tak diundang, bisa diprotes n diusir masa kalo nyelonong maju ke depan~

saaaahhhh!!! *eh, belom ya?


Congrats, Gracie!!! ♥♥♥♥♥

Terus… uhmm… Gw kira abis tuker cincin kan udah ya pulang, ternyata keluarganya Grace n keluarga calon suaminya rapat buat hari-h pernikahan dulu… Weleh~~~ Kalo pulang ga enak sama Grace soalnya gw yakin dia masih butuh mental support paska pertunangan. Jadinya gw stay di sana. Dua jam berlalu, rapat belom selesai juga. Maklum, orang Batak… Adatnya 2 taun non-stop, jadi rapatnya lama. Lama2 gw kebelet pipis, naik ke atas deh nyari WC. Abis pipis, mau turun ke bawah lagi males, akhirnya bobo di kamar Grace. LOL

@ kamar Grace. Kamar yang akan sangat kurindukan *sob*

Selama di kamar Grace gw throwback gitu. Banyak kenangan indah di kamar ini yang gw alami sama Grace, kadang2 sama temen2 yang lain juga. Belajar/ngerjain tugas sekolah/les, ngegosip, nonton Koreaan, stalking Facebook orang, karaoke gila2an, makan2, pajamas party, dll... Zaman2 SMP, SMA, kuliah, sering banget nginep di sini. Pulang les di LIA Kalimalang, males pulang ke rumah, nginep di sini. Abis jalan2 sampe pagi2 buta sama Grace dkk, ga berani pulang ke rumah, pulangnya ke sini. Pas kuliah, kalo Grace lagi pulang ke Bekasi (kuliahnya di Undip), pasti gw sempetin nginep sebelum Grace balik ke Semarang lagi. 

Gw selalu adore kamarnya Grace. Simply becoz kamarnya besar dan cewek banget warna pink. Terus ada kamar mandi & jendelanya. Kalo pagi2 jendelanya dibuka, langsung adem banget itu kamar. Seriously kalo kamarnya Grace itu kamar kosan di daerah Setiabudi, rate-nya bisa 3-4  juta perbulan. That’s why gw betah berlama2 di kamar itu.

Kemaren itu mungkin jadi terakhir kali gw main di sana. Dalam hitungan minggu Grace akan menikah dan ga tinggal di Binalindung lagi~ Jadi gw manfaatkan kemaren itu buat nostalgia sekaligus farewell sama kamarnya Grace. Huhuhu~

Anyway, sekitar jam 4 rapat keluarganya Grace selesai. Grace balik ke kamar dengan tampang seperti sebelum tuker cincin: ga ada bentuknya. Heuheuheu~ *puk puk Grace*

Sabar yaa, Ce… Nyiapin pernikahan emang sucks like hell. Apalagi kalo Do-It-Yourself, itu rasanya kayak kecemplung di Perang Dunia padahal lo bukan tentara, lo cuma juru ketik! #FUCKYEAHFURY

Anyway gw sotoy banget ya, berasa udah pernah nyiapin nikahan aja. Hahaha~ Well, gw kan punya referensi kisah pernikahannya Ayu. Grace sekarang lagi ada di stage yang dialami Ayu taun lalu. Jadi yaa.. gitu deh~ *apa sih?!*

Anyway, congrats once again to my VERY best friend, Gracie! For a greater good, acha-acha fighting!!!