Friday, August 14, 2015

Everything I Wanna Say About BigBang’s Concert – Part 4: Getting Hot and Seungrish Attack

Di lagu ketiga, Stupid Liar, gw bener2 ga dengerin musiknya~ Gw sibuk ngejar2 Seungri kesana kemari. LOL~

Untung Pink area itu ga kebelah dua, jadi Seungri pergi kemanapun masih bisa gw kejar. Ya paling konsekuensinya nabrak2 orang aja gara2 Pink area kepenuhan. Kalo lo merasa ditabrak sama cewe pake kaos merah dengan penampakan seperti Kiko Mizuhara, well that's me, and I don't even feel sorry, coz everything is fair in love and war~ :p
Anyway, Stupid Liar adalah salah satu lagu yang keberadaannya di setlist MADE Tour gw pertanyakan. Like, ngapain sih ni lagu dimasukin? Udah lagunya jelek, single bukan, title track bukan, ga punya M/V, mood nya ga cocok sama Bang3x & Tonight~ cih~~

Ini siapa sih yang bikin setlist?! Aneh banget out of nowhere masukin Stupid Liar, pertimbangannya apa?? I mean, banyak banget single yang lebih bagus, lebih populer dan lebih cocok buat konser~ Feeling, Hands Up, Last Farewell, Monster, etc...

Gw ga menyesal aktifin Seungri Mode dan fokus ke Seungri aja, mendingan gw fokus ke Seungri daripada dengerin lagu flop~

Anyway, moving on, abis Stupid Liar giliran Haru Haru. Sebenernya sih kalo di negara lain ini harusnya jadi solo stage DJ Seungri. Tapi Indo kan cheap-ass ya, ga mau modal dikit bikin 1 stage lagi, akhirnya langsung di-cut aja DJ Seungri dari setlist.

Cih~ Untung Seungri ya, yang fans-nya dikit~ Coba GD yang nge-DJ, atau T.O.P, itu promotor bisa didemo massa~

Anyway, Haru Haru! One of my fave!!! Pergantian mood dari Stupid Liar ke Haru Haru agak awkward. Tapi gw udah terbiasa dengan awkwardness seperti ini, jaman 2NE1 pun abis gila2an pake Crush, Fire, dll, langsung disambung sama If I Were You yang emo gila~

Gw suka sih aransemen Haru Haru yang baru ini. Satu lagu full dijadiin ballad, ga seperti pas YGFC yang dance-beat-nya tetep dipertahankan di bagian ending-nya. Mayanlah. Napas bentar sebelum gila2an lagi.

Haru Haru langsung disambung Loser, yang mood-nya serupa. Loser stage…… ternyata ga sesakral dan se-emo yang gw bayangkan. Padahal gw kira stage ini akan istimewa, secara Loser pas pertama kali dirilis impact-nya gede banget.

Penampilan mereka di music show dengan set panggung dipenuhi cermin2 yang berputar itu pun keliatan solid emo (blah~ apa pula solid emo~). Gw berharap di konser pun akan seperti itu~

Eh ternyata nggak~

Biasa aja tuh~

I don't know yaa... Gw bisa berpendapat seperti ini, mungkin karena 3 hal:

1. Gw udah kebanyakan nonton performance Loser di music show dan fancam2~ Jadi bosen dan ketika akhirnya nonton live performance di depan mata, udah ga terkesan lagi.

2. Loser sebenernya lagunya………… biasa aja. 

Ini agak2 kontroversial sih. Temen2 gw yang Loser-addict pasti marah kalo gw ngomong ini di depan mereka. But hell, this is my blog, right? I can say whatever~


Just to be clear, gw ga mau cari musuh di sini, cuma mau berpendapat. So please have respect, be nice, and remember you don’t have to agree with me and I can always be wrong.

So yeah, ever since they released Bang3x, Sober and If You, gw merasa Loser kalah secara musikalitas. Well maybe Loser has the best lyrics out of MADE, and the best theme and feels, but things like composition, depth, flow, melody, creativity, etc.. Loser tuh ga segitu istimewanya, malah cenderung membosankan dan biasa untuk ukuran lagu comeback BigBang. 

People will bash me for saying this of course, they’ll throw receipts at me, like Loser’s number of sales and download which were certified all kill, that Billboard #1 World Digital Song, and then YouTube views, Loser sekarang masih paling banyak di antara MADE Series yang lain, dan macem2 receipts lain yang bisa membuat gw menarik omongan gw~

Honestly, I think the fact that Loser exceeded in all of those is more becoz you guys are excited about BB’s comeback, not necessarily because you love the song, nor the song is really good.

Becoz it’s their comeback after 3 years, so you wanna support them, help them to win, help them to reach #1, make sure their hard work is paid off. I totally get it, I did that too for 2NE1 last year. 

It just… I don’t want you to be delusional like another Kpop fans, you know~ Becoz the evidence is here, well at least I see it and this is how I interpret it. Loser’s live performance turned out to be mediocre, and yes I was disappointed.

YG once said Loser and Bae Bae were only appetizer for the main course that was Bang Bang Bang. I was once against that statement becoz I always think Loser is solid enough, their most solid release out of MADE series. But after listening to the other MADE releases, I finally agreed with him.

I really hope I’m wrong, maybe Loser is indeed a good song. I was once addicted to it too. Just not anymore.

3. Terakhir, gw denger mic-nya Seungri agak eror di lagu ini, jadi suaranya ga kedengeran.


Blue stage was captivating!

Blue is one of my favorite song from Alive album. I’m really glad they don’t cut it off the setlist.
I like the new arrangement of Blue. The intro was unpredictable. It really didn’t sound like Blue. 

Then they played with the beat and made it sounded R&B. I’m a sucker of anything R&B so I really love this new version. Also love the silent gap before T.O.P sang his verse. And the stage was moving vertically, that’s something to appreciate too.

Anyway I was looking for Blue fancam on YouTube but didn’t found any~ Ternyata emang banyak yang ga suka lagu ini ya? Hahaha~ #sedih

If You stage was beautiful!

Selain karena semua members sounded so good, especially Jiyong (omaigat, no matter how good Seungri sounds, oppa, kalo soal suara, aku padamu ), the crowd were singing along. Indo VIP jjang!

If You is that kind of song that will sound better if being performed live, especially with the band. It’s more like a big scale jam-session, instead of a concert. Love it!

Oh.. If You.. Walaupun gw benci kenyataan mereka mengeliminasi Café untuk masukin If You ke setlist, but still, the stage made up for the whole thing.

Lies was… okay. LOL~

I don’t really like Kojimal actually, but considering that this is the song that rose BB to fame, let’s just enjoy the stage. LOL~

Ketika Lies, fokus gw berubah jadi Crazy-focus. Crazy a.k.a dancer ceweknya YG yang cakep2 itu. Kenapa Crazy? Karena gw udah PUWAS ngeliatin HiTech (dancer cowoknya YG) taun lalu pas konser 2NE1. Hahaha~

Salah satu member Crazy, Won Ahyeon, gw suka banget sama dia! She’s my woman crush. Badannya paling bagus di antara yang lain, skinny sih, tapi curve-nya pas gitu. Among everything, I really envy her skin!! Freakin tanned! And her face is just gorgeous, mostly di stage dia pake smokey eyes gitu, dan mukanya jadi terlihat sangat exotic, sensual and sexy. She totally rocks that makeup! Silahkan follow IG-nya: @wonahyeon.

Waktu Lies, Ahyeon yang jadi dancer-nya GD kalo ga salah, lumayan gampang kok mengenali doi. Jadilah gw nge-fangirl bentar. Ketika orang2 pada “Kyaa!!! GD oppa… Kyaaa!!!" Gw malah:

“Ahyeon-aaaahhh!!! Ahyeon unnie!!! Won Ahyeon!!!!!!!!!!!!”



Anyway, mereka mempertahankan dance beat-nya di verse kedua sampai akhir lagu, so I just danced to it! Dance-nya Lies itu salah satu dance BigBang paling nista, jadi asyik diparodiin! HAHAHAHA~

NOW! Let's talk about their 1st talk session!!!

Kalo lo biasnya Seungri seperti gw, lo pasti ngertilah kalo kita harus bener2 cherish the talk session. Simply becoz:


ICYDK, Seungrish = Seungri+English, and it means English that is spoken by Seungri/spoken in Seungri way.

There are only 2 reactions coming from people who listen to Seungrish. The first one, they’re gonna hate it to death, becoz it’s goddamn embarrassing, stupid and just shows how uneducated he is and makes you question yourself why the hell you’re even associated with him or know him at the first place~

But the second one, they’re gonna be addicted to it, becoz it’s very funny, cute, entertaining and refreshing! It shows how antique Seungri is, seriously how many idol you’d see will proudly declare that he’s bad in English, but he doesn’t even give a fuck and doesn’t even bother to fix it?? You just gotta give this boy a credit and appreciation to his mighty confidence! He is one of a kind.

Obviously, I am the latter.


Gw udah menunggu-nunggu Seungrish dari zaman YGFC. I know this boy’s gonna slay me hard the time he opened his mouth.

Seungri’s first talk didn’t really kill entertain me. Seungrish-nya minimalis, ga keluar di grammar, paling di pronunciation doang, which is kurang seru~

Orang2 heboh pas Seungri ngomongin nasi goreng, mie goreng, sama sop buntut. Gw sih datar, pengalaman bertaun2 nonton konser yang mostly Kpop, gw tau banget semua food mention itu staged. Bahkan 2NE1 aja nanya ke gw makanan khas Indonesia apaan, padahal selama disini mereka makan kimchi2 juga~

But still, sempet ngakak pas Seungri bilang “OH MY GOD SOP BUNTUT IS SOOO GOOD! I LUB THAT SOUPPEU!”

Huahahahahahahaha~~ Aksen Koreanya keluar!


Seungriii… my son… semua orang yang ada di situ udah pernah makan sop buntut! Ga perlu dipromosiin lagi~ LOL~

Gw juga sangat mengapresiasi usahanya buat ngomong “imut”, yang jatohnya malah “imoootttt” HAHAHAHAHAHA~~~

Yang paling nyebelin tuh pas giliran GD mau ngomong, Seungri bandel banget ngeledekin pake lagu Nelly, tapi failed gara2 ga hapal lirik!

“It’s getting hot in heeerre! So hot! So take off all your--- @%&*%^!$**


Sesi talk pertama berakhir dengan GD mengomandokan kita buat nyanyi Bad Boy, yang kemudian dibawakan dengan aransemen baru.

It’s a lot sexier I think, I love how they breakdown the ending.



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