Saturday, August 22, 2015

Everything I Wanna Say About BigBang’s Concert: Part 7 – FINALE


The finale!

Ini review beneran jadi Harry Potter ya, ada 7!


Now we’re already at ENCORE STAGE!

Encore selalu jadi momen paling ditunggu sekaligus paling menyedihkan~ Usually at a kpop concert, there are so many things will happen during encore stage, mostly interaction between the idols and fans. Kalo idol mau fans service, atau fans mau ngasih hadiah, encore adalah saat yang paling tepat.

Waktu 2NE1 encore, mereka turun dari panggung dan surprise surprise out of nowhere muncul dari belakang area festival buat berinteraksi langsung sama fans. *I got to shake Minzy’s hand twice, Bomie’s once~ T.T* 

Waktu Alive Tour 2012, Seungri menggunakan momen encore untuk mengumpulkan keluarganya.

Untuk MADE Tour, gw ga bener2 merasakan fans service BigBang selama encore. Entah ya, mungkin karena panggung kekecilan, jadi ruang gerak mereka terbatas buat fans service, ga bisa menjangkau fans di bagian belakang. Mungkin juga karena posisi gw jauh dari panggung, atau karena gw fokus ngeliatin Seungri doang, jadi ga liat member yang lain ngapain selama encore~

Sebenernya area VIP tuh kebelah dua, terus belahannya dikosongin gitu, sekitar 1 meter lebarnya. Dugaan gw sih itu buat BigBang turun terus berinteraksi sama VIP. Tapi kata Kak Cia yang berdiri di VIP section, gara2 banyak yang pingsan, area itu malah jadi tempat buat menampung fans yang pingsan itu, soalnya mereka ga bisa dibawa keluar hall saking penuhnya itu tempat~

Seungri sendiri ga terlalu hyper selama encore, paling dadah2 banci doang. Yang notable sih pas BB ngenalin band sama dancer, ini anak saking bancinya dia nyamperin setiap band member dan dancer yang lagi diperkenalkan BIAR ON CAM!

Ga banyak yang menangkap momen nista bersejarah ini lewat fancam. Tapi gw berhasil menemukan satu fancam yang slightly menunjukkannya.


You’re welcome.

Anyway, untuk encore mereka membawakan 2 lagu: We Like 2 Party (template) dan Bang Bang Bang (lagu pilihan). Selidik punya selidik harusnya mereka bawain Hands Up juga, tapi karena waktu udah mepet, mereka harus ngejar flight, akhirnya di-cut. T.T

Not gonna say I’m okay, Hands Up juga salah satu lagu favorit gw~ Untung penampilan mereka untuk Bang Bang Bang ga mengecewakan. I really cherished the moment, ngeluarin semua sisa energi yang gw punya untuk stage ini. Koreo awal Bang Bang Bang yang ga sempet gw lakukan di opening stage, akhirnya kesampean juga dilakukan di encore.

To be honest, menurut gw Bang Bang Bang di encore jauh lebih hidup daripada di opening, ya nggak sih? Mungkin too much feels kali ya? Karena konser mau udahan~

Anyway, so yeah that’s the end of MADE in Jakarta. Aaaaawww~~~ :"(((

Rasanya kurang lebih sama kayak setelah nonton 2NE1 dan YGFC. Campur aduk. Too happy, feeling sooooo gooooood, stress relieving, detoxificating, ecstatic, I really don’t want it to end~ But at the same time it’s heartbreaking to realize that it will probably be the last time I’m gonna see them as BigBang~ T.T

Yak! Edisi susah move on pun officially dimulai! LOL~

Oiya, ada yang mau sekalian gw omongin juga mumpung masih di postingan BigBang.
You know, it breaks my heart when I typed “BigBang MADE Tour Jakarta Review” on Google, the ones that show up are those who made a review about the promoter, more specifically harsh critics about them and their terrible and unprofessional service. Not review on BigBang’s performance and the concert itself.

Gw mengerti kekecewaan dan kemarahan fans2 itu. Banyak temen gw yang jadi korban juga. Gw denger cerita langsung dari mereka dan semuanya parah2. Sangat wajar kalo mereka complain.

Gw sendiri ga bener2 merasakan ulah promotor itu. Seriously, selain Pink area kepenuhan yang membuat gw ga bisa gerak dan mic Seungri mati waktu nyanyi Loser, ga ada hal lain yang gw keluhkan. 

Well it will be better if they had larger stage. But hey, dengan stage kecil pun BigBang tetep bisa tampil maksimal. So yeah, it’s really okay for me. My experience of watching MADE in Jakarta went sooo smoothly. Thank God for that. 

But yeah, gw sedih melihat kenyataan bahwa rasa kesel orang2 terhadap promotor mengalahkan rasa senang mereka setelah ketemu BigBang. Jadi kebanyakan review isinya marah2, karena konser itu beneran jadi bad experience buat mereka~

Can’t blame them of course. If I were in their shoes, this review wouldn’t be this fun either.

So yeah, dear promoter, I hope that in the future, something like this won’t ever happen again. A concert is supposed to be a magical and precious moment for both fans and idols, so please give them what they deserve. You have one job. 

And for the fans, a little tip for you if someday the promoter fucked up again: just focus on your idol or the music or whatever reason for you to come at the first place. Do NOT give a damn thing about the service. Do not let anything ruin the fun. If shit happened, solve it, make a decision, take control, do something! No matter what happened, make sure you still get the best experience. 

Okay. I dunno how I’m supposed to end this post. Haha~ It’s been long journey.  Seven parts in three fucking weeks. That is some dedication. Just wow. LOL~

How about I end it with a Q&A? :)


On scale of 1 to 10, how awesome the concert was?
Perfect 10.

Please explain.
I already did.
Read the full story: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 and Part 7.

How’s the audience?
They were awesome too! It felt like being in the crowd of famous music festival! Indo VIPs are so sick, so energetic, which is where I got most of my energy from. They didn’t seem to get tired, that kept me going. Even GD and Taeyang called it Best Show Ever.

Were Indo VIPs mostly teenage fangirls?
Nope. They were mixed. The comparison between male and female audience was 70:30, 30 be the boys. They were all ages, if you watch the documentaries, you’ll see how varies the audience was, age wise. There are teenagers, young adults, adults, kids with their parents, etc.. I think mostly young adults, those who are already stick with BigBang since 9 years ago. 

Was the ticket price worth it?
For me, who was in Pink section, yes. Totally worth it. You wouldn't get the same answer if you ask those who bought the other section though.

Did you take picture of the boys?? Will you post it??
No, I didn't. Too bad I had no time~ T.T
I was too focus on the stage. The only picture I took was Seungri, but that didn't look good, because of poor camera quality, me standing too far from the stage, and intense movement of the objects. But you know, it's good actually, it means it was a quality concert. A friend of mine once said that you're not enjoying the concert to the fullest if you still have time to take picture/video.

How did you survive Seungri seriously?
I didn’t. XD

So, are you officially a VIP now???
Hahaha. No. I’m still a Blackjack. I’m still sober after watching MADE, you know~ I still can talk, joke around, laugh, sing, eat, play with my friends, take selfies, etc.. Every feels is still controllable. Last year after watching AON, I was completely dazed and zoned out. Couldn’t even function normally. Hehe~

If they come again, will you watch them?
Of course. No doubt. :)


Thank youuu for reading this long-ass non-sense and bear with my heavy fangirling! :p

I heart you like T.O.P

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