Wednesday, August 29, 2012

59 Seconds With Seeta


When I logged on to YouTube this morning, this video was one of the top featured video on my dashboard, so I clicked it.

Tiba-tiba kepikiran pengen jawab pertanyaan2 trivia kayak gitu lagi deh, kayak yang pernah gw post di postingan ini dan ini. Seru lho! Hehe.

Here we go:

Rice or noodles?
Noodles!!! Indomie for the win!

Kimchi or burgers?
Burgers, duh!

Tight jeans or baggie pants?
Hmmm.. depends on what I wear on top, hahaha~ But baggy pants is more comfy though, you can wear it to sleep.

Koala or kangaroo?
Snake! Haha~ Koala!

If you were a drink, what drink would Seeta be?
Hmmm… Maybe fruit punch.

If you were food, what food would you be?
Junk food! Haha~ I go on sushi.

If you were cartoon character what would you be?
Timon from The Lion King or Jessie from Toy Story.

Overly affectionate or overly clingy?
What’s clingy? LOL

What was Seeta like as a kid? 3 words to describe yourself in.
Hmmm… Smart, playful, and… Disney-freak.

Fun, eh?

Iseng pagi-pagi. Otak belom siap kerja soalnya, masih jam 7 pagi booookk...

Ah sayang Mas Jay cuma jawab dikit, kelamaan mikirnya sih! Tapi ga apa-apa, tetep fun kok! :)

I should do this kinda thing more often.

Anyway, do you this girl, J-Min? talent-nya SM juga, dia yang nyanyi soundtrack-nya To The Beautiful You yang “Stand Up”. Minggu lalu dia tampil di Inkigayo, lho! Keren deh penampilannya.

I think her voice is as strong as Amy Lee from Evanescence. Well, lebih pop sih, tapi pasti bisa masuk aja suaranya kalo dikasih lagu gothic-rock.

Ah sepertinya level kecintaan gw terhadap K-Pop meningkat lagi~

Mungkin sebutannya bukan K-Pop lagi, tapi K-Music, secara gw udah merambah ke pop-semi-rock kayak gini. hehehe

Anyway kok gw jadi sering ngeblog gini ya? Entahlah mungkin lagi rajin, mungkin juga lagi banyak bahan postingan, atau mungkin... lagi PMS~ :P

Bye guys!

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