Monday, June 27, 2011

Weekend Mode #1

Hi folks! How ya doin?

Perkenalkan rubrik baru di blog gw: Weekend Mode. Sesuai judulnya, postingan dengan label ini akan bercerita tentang weekend gw, atau gw di saat weekend. Ntah lagi di rumah atau di mana, pokonya pas weekend-lah. Semoga menghibur. :)

Dua hari yang lalu gw nyobain Blitz Megaplex Bekasi Cyber Park. Thaaaat’s right! ada Blitz Megaplex di Bekasi, beibeh!! Alhamdulillah tanda-tanda terbentuknya peradaban di Bekasi semakin terlihat~ :P

So yes, gw nebeng nyokap yang sekalian mau belanja di Carrefour Bekasi Square dan melanjutkan perjalanan via angkot ke Bekasi Cyber Park. What? No, nyokap gw ga ikut nonton, gw nonton sendirian by the way, karena dari awal niat gw cuma pengen nyobain bioskopnya aja, for the very first time, ehem, yeah... ngelonely, whatever you call it, but doesn’t mean i’m actually (desperately) lonely, no, just wanna try the new Blitz, karena dadakan juga ngerencanainnya, jadi ga sempet ngajakin temen2 gw juga, well...


Sorry, just a bit sensitive when the conversation leads to...

Yeah, well, anyway, *ga konsen*

Blitz Bekasi! Blitz Bekasi! Oh God, tadi gw mau ngomong apa...

Oh ya! Seperti halnya tanda-tanda peradaban di Bekasi yang lain (baca: Bioskop XXI terbesar di Indonesia, oh yes ada di Bekasi, beibeh!!) Blitz juga terletak di tempat yang commercially not attractive. BCP, jelas bukan mall sekelas Grand Indonesia, Central Park, Pacific Place, dan mall-mall yang biasa jadi lokasi Blitz Megaplex. BCP more like ITC, yeah totally ITC, tapi lebih kecil. Makanya gw kaget tiba2 ada Blitz disitu~

Sesampainya di BCP, gw langsung menuju ke Blitz yang terletak di lantai 3. Perjalanan ke lt. 3 itu beneran ga kaya perjalanan dari depan GI ke Blitz GI deh, surem, gelap, banyak tumpukan barang, ya kaya koridor2 ga kepake di ITC-lah. Ajaib banget deh ada Blitz dibalik semua itu. Sesampainya di lt. 3, langsung disambut tulisan Blitz Megaplex gede2 dan tanda panah naik sekali lagi ke atas via eskalator. Oh oke, sekarang gw bener2 percaya ada Blitz disitu.

Naeklah gw ke eskalator itu dan nyampelah di Blitz Bekasi. Hore! Di gerbangnya ada tembok besar yang dipenuhin sama ratusan monitor dan tivi bekas. Hmmm.. bole juga konsepnya. Begitu sampe tanpa babibu langsung berhadapan dengan penjual tiket dan snack. Celingak celinguk, ternyata studionya cukup jauh letaknya dari ticket counter, ada di sebelah kiri, down the aisle, turn right. Woh, oke, brarti mending beli tiket sekarang biar ga bolak balik.

Harga tiketnya, entah karena Blitz masih baru atau ini untuk selamanya (amin! amin!), murah banget! 15rb weekdays, 25rb weekend. Semoga film2 Hollywood cepet masuk lagi (yea yea yea~ harapan kosong) nanti gw bakal sering2 kesini~ huehehehe.

Saat masih di sekitar ticket counter itu suasana masih sepi, yah paling cuma ada 10 biji anak2 muda Bekasi yang berkeliaran, jadi gw cuek2 aja jalan sendiri. Prediksi awal gw pun ini Blitz pasti sepi, karena (1) Stigma yang dipercaya masyarakat adalah: nonton di Blitz itu mahal (2) Ga ada film. Seriously, emang ada gitu anak Bekasi yang mau nonton film Thailand? Yaudah deh abis beli tiket gw melangkah ke koridor menuju studio gw, studio 3 dengan film Suck Seed, mungkin gw akan review Suck Seed kalo niat, :P

Dengan pedenya gw jalan lurus dan belok kiri and you know what, koridor selanjutnya PENUH BANGET sama anak-anak Bekasi yang dateng rombongan atau sama cewe/cowonya~ Semua kaya ngeliatin gw pas gw dateng. FYI, berhubung rencana nonton ini impulsif, saat itu gw cuma pake celana pendek rumah+kaos+sendal jepit, tanpa nyisir, tanpa bawa ‘tas’ (well gw bawa tas super kecil cuma buat dompet n hape doang) gaya gw kalo lagi ngegembel kemana-mana. Sedangkan anak-anak Bekasi itu pada pake baju rapih, stylish, rambut klinis, make-up, dan semuanya yang membuat mereka keliatan sangat necis (walaupun alay), and i was like... what the hell?!

Trus gw mencoba mengingat2 apa yang salah hari ini, oh shit! Ternyata saat itu adalah MALEM MINGGU!!! Sungguh saat yang tidak tepat untuk ngelonely. T_T

Jadi akhirnya gw sok cuek aja jalan ke studio gw yang ternyata... belom dibuka~ emang sih masih sekitar 15 menit lagi sampe film gw mulai, akhirnya gw ke... WC! Kampret, WC-nya di ujung banget lagi, jadi gw harus melewati kumpulan anak-anak Bekasi yang ngeliat gw dengan tatapan ih-ada-gembel-nonton-di-blitz.

Tapi selayaknya calon wartawan sejati *cailah* sambil jalan gw mengamati dong apa aja yang ada di Blitz ini, dan ternyata Blitz Bekasi ini desainnya gaul sekali! Colorful, unik, bernuansa muda, kaya beneran di-desain buat anak muda gitu, pokonya bedalah sama Blitz2 kebanyakan. Walaupun ga seheboh Blitz Central Park, tapi tetep aja unik karena colorful banget, and you know what di ujung Blitz-nya ada lapangan basket! Haha! Serius, lapangan basket kecil2an gitu, paling buat 3 on 3. Gaul banget kan? Sayang waktu gw mau foto lapangan basket itu, di depannya ada 3 security yang ngeliatin, jadi ga berani deh...

Anyway, sekeluarnya dari WC, ternyata gerobolan anak2 Bekasi itu udah ga ada *alhamdulillah* jadi gw dengan bebasnya foto-foto Blitz itu, well ga bebas sih, karena belom apa2 langsung ditegur sama karyawannya. ‘Mba, maaf mba, ga boleh foto2 disini.’ Dalam hati, lah tadi alay2 pada foto2 dibiarin aja?!! Mau ngotot tapi ngeliat 3 security di depan lapangan basket tadi gw jadi serem...

So here we go, a quick snapshots of Blitz Megaplex BCP. Pardon the photo quality, taken with my cellphone's camera~

Blitz ini menerima tivi bekas layak pakai :P

winding road along the coridor

one special spot

visitor's seat. cool, eh?

 one-of-a-kind studio gate

Gravities all over the wall

highway-look-alike corridor

Lights. Made of the non-other Kaleng Kerupuk Bekas! Creative.

harap maklum

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Berawal dari membaca salah satu rubrik dari suatu majalah untuk kalangan High-Class di Indonesia, gw terinspirasi untuk membuat postingan seperti konten rubrik tersebut. Nothing’s important, just a quick snapshot about me, to share. :)

What is the chief characteristic of your personality?
I’m an ignorant self, more like a free-spirited, i don’t like being limited. But I often drown myself into perfectionism and self-deadlines.

What is your main fault?
Being afraid.

What are your favorite qualities in a person?
Responsibility, tolerance, modesty.

What is your favorite occupation?
I like artistic work.

If not yourself, who would you be?
My alter-ego, :P, no i would not replace my life for anything.

Who do you admire?
Many people, smart and funny people for sure.

What do you dislike about your appearance?
My ‘expensive’ hair, haha.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I want my ‘cowardly-me’ gone.

If not in Indonesia, where would you like to live?
(Easy!) Singapore!

What skill would you like to master?
Martial arts, self-defense, and languages.

Who is your favorite hero in fiction?
Bellatix Lestrange?

Who is your favorite writer?
JK Rowling.

Who is your favorite artist?
Helena Bonham Carter.

What is your favorite food?
Every food is my favorite food when i’m hungry, no need to be specifically listed.

What food do you dislike?
Everything that smells like sh*t.

What is your most treasured possession?
(soon-to-be) my iPod.

What is your motto?
What’s life without a little risk?

On what occasion do you lie?
Going somewhere.

What was your favorite journey?
A trip to Toba, North Sumatera.

What is your greatest fear?
Losing someone i love, *scratch that line* Horror movies!

What is your idea of happiness?
Taking my loved ones moving to another country where everything will be a lot easier and more respectable.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Transformers in Me

This super-cool song is one of the soundtrack of Transformers 3 : Dark of The Moon

I was recommended by my friend to listen to this song. At first, i felt nothing. Nothing special to this song, it’s just like another Paramore kinda songs. But when i googled it further, i figured out that this song is Transformers 3’s OST. I was like... wow!

I’m a fan of Transformers, really, even though i’m not reading the comics. I like it more like because of this man.


But seriously, back in 2007, my friends invited me to watch this movie about the war of robot. I was like “Pffft~ Are you kidding me? War of robot? What kind of childish movie is that?!”

FYI, back there I was no fan of American comics creatures, superheroes, science fiction creatures, what so ever.. Simply because i grew up with Disney, and Harry Potter, but that’s not the point. I was that kind of kid who prefer to watch those bubble teen movies other than blockbuster movies. I love those cliché teenage love stories for a silly reason: i saw the reflection of my life in the story.

Take Freaky Friday for example, i heart Freaky Friday a lot by the way *one hard Lindsay Lohan fan* The story tells about a daughter who always quarrels with her mother. Her mother never supports what she does and neither does she to her. Then their bodies are switched due to an enchanted fortune cookie, and the magic can only be destroyed if they begin to understand each other more and eventually it’s the mutual self-respect that sorts the things out.

The story somehow reminds me of me and my mother. We always disagreed to each other choices, she yelled at me a lot, i yelled at her a lot, it happened everyday. So when i saw how Lindsay Lohan reacted to Jamie Lee Curtis’ angers or orders or stuffs, i saw myself in her.

So that was how Seeta in her early teens interpreted Hollywood: about Disney, Disneyland, Disney Teens, Bugs Bunny’s gang, The Olsen Twins, and about music, MTV stuffs, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, and Mandy Moore, and so on.

But then when i first saw Transformers in the theatre, it was like... a gate, that introduced me to Blockbuster. Hollywood is more than just Disney- It’s a whole lot bigger than that. Transformers somehow enchanted me to enjoy all the spectacular special effects shown in the movie, the kind of makes me feel like.. “Wow! This is cool!” Maybe because i found them beautiful, and amusing, and in a strange way.. addictive~

So i opened myself to watch more Blockbuster movies even though i had no knowledge how the stories are about. I just love to see those effects, and twists, and casts, and soundtracks, etc.. Until now, i found myself as a new-born movie buff. Haha~

So, Transformers, the first one: awesome, simple plot, GREAT effects, GORGEOUS casts ♥ ♥, OVERWHELMING soundtracks, and what else? Happy ending? Haha

Then, Transformers 2: GREATER effects, but so weak in intregrating the plot, got really confused by the appearance of so many robots all at once, failed in making interesting twists, but the soundtrack remained overwhelming, even though not as good as the first one, let’s just say Michael Bay was too... ambitious.

My score?

Transformers 1 [8.1/10]
Transformers 2 [6.5/10]

If someone asks me to retell Transformers 1, it will be easy beacuse i still remember every detail of those scenes perfectly. I still remember Sam Witwicky’s awkwardness when he first took Mikaela to a date. I still remember how Bumblebee’s trying desperately to protect Sam and how beautiful their chemistry was.

But if i was asked to retell Transformers 2, i doubt i can explain it, because the story was not so impressive in my eyes. 

If my 7.17 would be for Harry Potter, then my 7.18 would be for Transformers 3. I still see a chance for this sequel to improve itself, especially with the presence of Rosie Huntington-Whiteley as the replacement of Megan Fox. Besides, looks like i’ve already fallen in love with the packaging of these robotic schemes, and also with Shia Labeouf too. So Transformers is basically Harry Potter all over again for me, regardless how disappointing the director decision was. :P

So Autobots,


Saturday, June 18, 2011

About The Plan

Hi guys!

How ya doin?

i’m so happy rite now because i’ve already been perfectly fit. Two days ago, as i post it here, i was having a stupid period sickness, but rite now praise God i’m okay, hopefully 100%. :D

so, as expected, i also have got my mood back!  Yeaaayyy!!

And i’m soooo in the mood to blog something positive rite now, away from the fact that i’ve just scolded the government in my last post. Now wanna talk about my plan to watch Deathly Hallows Part 2.

Oh and I installed the countdown widget last week for my reminder ------------->>>>>
hopefully this countdown will be useful for you too :D

Okay this is not gonna be a long lame story about how i will waste my money in Singapore, it will be more like a travel itinerary combined with a little rant and a little... bulcrap! LOL!

So, still related to my last post about how Indonesian government was trying to cheer us up with some –unverified– good news, I prefer not to believe them. I don’t like living the uncertainty because i’m a real fan, i’m a die-hard fan, okay? A die-hard fan will NOT only sit there and wait for another good news which we never know what and when. A die-hard fan will act.

And i have done my act. I’ve booked my ticket to Singapore for July 17th (yep, i’m not going to watch the premiere because of some reasons i won’t bother to tell you), and i’ll watch my Harry Potter at the same day in –one of the coolest– cinema in Singapore, whose ticket costs me damn much T_T but no regret, because i’ll do everything for my Harry Potter!

Hell yeah, baby!

And yeah, i’ll spend about 5 days 4 nights in Singapore, i’m staying at Bone’s another place once again (thank u Bonecintah! :*), and joyfully enjoy my holiharryday!

At first i’m planning to watch Deathly Hallows more than once, like a die-hard fan will do, i just can’t wait for the next six months for the original DVD’s released. But then i realized, how stupid of me if i’m in Singapore and only watching one movie~ it’s freakin’ summer, yo! Movies are popping up, and i will be in the middle of the middle of summer when greatest summer movies 2011 are ON!

So at the same time i watch Harry Potter, there will also be Transformers 3, Friends With Benefits, Captain America, hopefully Super 8, Green Lantern, Pirates of Caribbean, The Hangover 2, Kung Fu Panda, and Cars 2 are still showing, and why don’t i watch them too??? This holiday will be a damn awesome movie-marathon, yes?

But then i remembered my self-promise to try on the Wavehouse. Wavehouse is a new challenge for the whole me, something i’ve never done before in my life. And my friend asks me to go to Universal Studio too, where there are some challenging rides i’ve never got a chance to try last year. New challenge means new experience, something priceless to build my self actualization. It’s just somehow... important.

So it’s a very tough choices. Do i have to act like a genuine movie buff and watch all summer movies for sake, or do i have to waste my money challenging my guts?


So there were these couple friends of mine teasing me. I think they were trying to make me regret my decision to go to Singapore. These couple friends of mine are some of those people who naively believe what the government said about the return of Hollywood movies. Okay maybe they are not really trying to be mean to me, but i interpret like this: hahaha~ so you bought your ticket, huh? But guess what? Hollywood will come back! We can also watch Harry Potter here! How pity of you losing your money for something we also get in here~

These guys seriously have a problem.

First of all, I will not regret even though Hollywood movies finally return.

If Hollywood movies finally return, hopefully on time (July 15th), then okay i will watch it here in Indonesia, ‘cause my flight will be on 17th, so i won’t miss Indonesia premiere anyway, so what’s the problem?

But then (like always) appears a disclaimer:

“So you will have an empty holiday in Singapore then~”

Seriously, who would ever think of that?!

Maybe you forget one powerful keyword in your sentence >> S.I.N.G.A.P.O.R.E

If there are two things that will never failed me, they are Harry Potter and YouTube, and if i make it three, they will be Harry Potter, YouTube, and Singapore!

Singapore will never failed me, not even once! It always satisfied me in any ways, even if the MRT broke down, or Orchard Road got flood, or Sentosa Island got poluted, or Marina Bay Sands casino stole my money, or Zirca got raided, or whatever, so guess what?

I left my heart in Singapore.

And i will always go search for it everytime i got a chance.

So if Hollywood movies are finally showing and i have watched them all in Indonesia, no problem, i will have 5 fabulous days in the place where i left my heart in.

Wavehouse, Universal Studio, and not-to-mention Great Singapore Sale, are always welcoming me.

So who’s gonna laugh in the end? 

My Emoticon >>

Friday, June 17, 2011

just my blah of this indonesia movie crisis

Nampaknya pemerintah Indonesia terus-terusan mencoba memberi kabar baik seputar penayangan kembali film-film Hollywood. Minggu lalu, Jero Wacik selaku Menteri Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata dengan sesumbar menyatakan bahwa urusan pajak film asing ini udah selesai urusannya dan minggu depan sudah keluar SK-nya.

Para wartawan (bodoh) yang keliatan sekali malas untuk mem-verifikasi berita ini, menelan begitu saja pernyataan Jero Wacik tersebut dan dalam hitungan detik beritanya sudah tersebar dimana-mana.

Bisa ditebak, tak lama kemudian orang-orang seakan berpesta pora merayakan hal ini di Twitter. Orang-orang yang tentu saja menelan mentah-mentah apa yang ditulis wartawan soal ini.

Padahal, kasus krisis film ini kan bukan ranah-nya Jero Wacik untuk berbicara. Ini masalah bea-cukai, masalah pajak, masalah hutang. Jelas ini masalah ekonomi, terus apa kuasanya Jero Wacik mengambil sikap atas semua ini?! Urusannya dia adalah menanggapi komplain-nya Dedy Mizwar 6 bulan yang lalu mempermasalahkan kenapa pajak untuk film nasional lebih mahal dari pajak film impor. Hal-hal yang mungkin menggunakan pendekatan kultural dalam pembahasannya.

Tapi ketika kemudian isu pajak film asing ini di-audit dan ditemukan kasus baru bahwa importir film sudah bertaun-taun tidak membayar pajak bea cukai sebagaimana seharusnya, jelas ini jadi masalah ekonomi.

Masalah ini ga akan terpecahkan dengan diturunkannya SK semata. Jadi ga ada gunanya terus-terusan mengabari hal-hal yang belum pasti. Kita (baca: penikmat film sejati) cuma mau tau apakah pajak itu udah dibayar atau belum, itu aja. Persetan dengan SK-SK yang ga pernah diberikan transparansi apa fungsinya. Kita mau bukti yang konkret!

Cover both side, please, dear reporters. Anda boleh memberitakan optimisme Jero Wacik kapan saja. Tapi di lain pihak, Anda juga harus memberitakan apa yang Agus DW Martowardojo katakan soal hal ini, karena beliau sebagai Menteri Keuangan-lah yang suaranya lebih dipentingkan disini.

Satu hari setelah bulshit Jero Wacik keluar di media, hanya satu dari sekian banyak media, yang mengabarkan pembenaran atas hal ini.

Kepada Ade, Wartawan Okezone, terima kasih telah melakukan verifikasi.

Link beritanya bisa dilihat disini.

As for me, i would believe Hollywood movies will come back, if only Noorca Massardi himself proclaim to the media. His voice is million times more credible than any brainless government officials.

Congratulation #Kom07!!!

Senin kemarin adalah batas pengumpulan skripsi dan TKA #Kom07. Gw sengaja ke kampus hari itu buat liat euforia temen2 seangkatan ngumpulin skripsi dan TKA-nya.

Lumayanlah, jadi ajang temu kangen Kom 07 yang beberapa bulan belakangan cuma bisa ditemukan di Twitter, itu pun dalam keadaan galau. Hihihi

Okay, i just wanna say, i have fantasized about this moment before. Yeah the moment my friends submitted their work. I fantasize this as The Amazing Race. Yeah, silly, i know.

Sebenernya gini, The Amazing Race itu kan perlombaan dengan waktu. Siapa yang bisa selesai tepat waktu akan selamat dan yang gagal berlomba dengan waktu akan tereliminasi. Intinya sama kan kaya deadline pengumpulan skripsi ini. Deadline-nya jam 15.00, yang ga ngumpulin jam segitu skripsinya ga akan diterima dan harus ngulang semester depan. Jadi mereka akan tereliminasi dari kesempatan wisuda di balairung bulan September.

Jadi gw membayangkan, Mas Gugi, sebagai Allan Wu, yang menunggu di Pitstop alias Sekretariat Jurusan di Gedung Kom Lt. 1. Dan teman-teman gw satu persatu mulai mencapai Pitstop sejak pagi hingga jam 15.00.

Imagine this as The Amazing Race to-the-pitstop moment.

Example team: Team Bambu Apus. :P
Mas Gugi Wu : "Nanien and Walkingpedia, congratulation, you’re the 1st team to arrive."

#AZEK deh. ehehehe.

Well, congratulation dear fellas #Kom07.

Now, you could take a rest for a while, until Mas Gugi Wu call you and tell you when will your next and final leg a.k.a your ‘sidang’ will happen.

Until then,

just... have fun!